
Showing posts from March, 2016

Speak Blessings To Everything Around You

God wants us to take His Word to the nations, and that means a lot. But you see, when He said to preach the Gospel to every creature, He wasn’t only referring to preaching to someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Preaching the Gospel to every creature means preaching to EVERYTHING that exists! Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” The term “creature” actually means “creation.” So, it’s saying, “The earnest expectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.” There’s depreciation in the human world, including human life; and so, everything in life is waiting for your manifestation; waiting for you to liberate them. All around the world, there’s fear. Many scientists provide evidence of ozone layer depletion. Global warming remains an issue of widespread political debate, with world leaders in dire need of a solution. These things aren’t new; the scientists only just found out....

Social Network for entrepreneurs

Markethive is the only Social Network for entrepreneurs. It is flat out the most powerful Inbound Marketing Platform on the planet. JOIN NOW FOR FREEEEEE!!!  : Entrepreneurs can share their experiences via chats, blogs, video and conferencing from one central dashboard, which automatically updates other social media If you are looking to market your business, take a look look at Markethive, it even offers a way to share in profits.

Pray For Your Country

As a Christian, it’s important to pray always for your country and the leaders; be it your country of residence or earthly nationality. Some people don’t know this: many a time, there’s a strong spiritual conflict for the soul of nations. In the days of Daniel, an angel had to fight the Prince of Persia (Daniel 10:10-13). Such spiritual conflicts still happen today, over countries of the world. There’re forces fighting for the destruction and impoverishment of nations. But there’re also angels, sent by God for the protection and prosperity of those nations. There’re very difficult days ahead, for many nations of the world. But the Lord wants His people prepared and ready. As we pray, angels sent by God are able to fulfil their assignments in the nations of the world. So, in your privacy, take time to pray for your country. Pray for the President or the Prime Minister and leaders of your country. As we pray, we mount pressure in the realm of the spirit against the force...

Take a hold of His Word

In life, people may find themselves in certain circumstances they weren’t responsible for. Yes, others can create situations or circumstances—pleasant or unpleasant—for you, but ultimately, you have a role to play in determining the final outcome of your life. The circumstances of your birth may not have been so palatable. You may have been born into a poor home; and you had nothing to do with that. That was another person’s responsibility. But don’t maintain the status quo, because someone else was responsible; change things! You may have been born poor, but you weren’t born to be poor. If you were attending a particular school, and for some reason the school closed up, are you going to say, “Well, there’s no need for me to go to school anymore?” No, you’d go to another school, or read at home and enroll for your exams. So, always, there’s something you can do for yourself. God needs your action. He needs your response. No Christian is ever disadvantaged in life. You ...

Leona Lewis - A Moment Like This


Get The Word…Get Wisdom

If you’re going to live a victorious, prosperous and glorious life, you have to know, understand and live by the Word. The Lord Jesus once made a remarkable statement to the Jews, saying, “…Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29). Many miss it, and function outside of the wisdom of God because they’re ignorant of God’s Word. That’s why the accurate teaching of the Word is so important. God’s Word empowers and propels you to live the transcendent life. The Word of God is the wisdom of God. It doesn’t matter what you’ve experienced in life, who your advisers are, how many books you might have read, or what you’ve seen in life, if you don’t have the Word in you, you don’t have the wisdom of God, and therefore can’t excel. The wisdom of men may take you some distance, but only the wisdom of God will take you all the way. Wisdom is the revelation of God; it’s insight into reality. The knowledge of God’s Word inspires the wisdom of God in...

One Man's Death Every Man's Guarantee

We all keep hoping for peace. World War I was "the war to end all wars." Then we found ourselves in the midst of World War II-again sending out sons, husbands, and fathers who may not return. The wars kept coming. Korea. Vietnam. Iraq. Each one pouring out death and destruction to an extent the world hadn’t witnessed previously. If only military victory carried a lifetime guarantee of no more death, no more failure, no more fear. Or better yet, an eternal guarantee. But only one man’s death carries that guarantee. No human effort to build a better world can guarantee lasting peace in the Persian Gulf, or Somalia, or anywhere else for that matter. The freedom that costs the blood of our precious young men and women isn’t permanent. It lasts only until another aggressive power comes along, unjustly claiming supremacy over others. Then the bloodshed starts all over again. Hope for a "new world" must rest in God, not man. Death is man’s legacy; life is God’s. Th...

You’re The Father’s Priority

As Christians, our connection to our heavenly Father is absolute; it’s not something that changes. We’re connected to Him by spiritual birth. So, whatever is important to you is important to Him. He cares about you affectionately; you’re the Father’s priority. Think about this: an earthly parent can go to any length to ensure his children have a good life. He ensures his children are protected, and that their feeding, shelter, clothing, are all well taken care of. Some even go as far as taking care of their children’s friends. They just love and care for another child, simply because that other child is friends with their own child. Now, if earthly parents can care that much for their children, what do you think of your heavenly Father? God loves you more than you love yourself. He loves you as much as He loves Jesus. He’s more ambitious about your success than you are for yourself. This should make you rejoice, and take worry away from your life permanently. God know...

There’s something inside your mouth that’s so powerful; it’s your tongue

There’s something inside your mouth that’s so powerful; it’s your tongue. It’s given to you by God to form words; words with which to control, create or recreate the circumstances of your life. James 3:6 says the tongue is a fire; the power for any change that you desire is in your tongue. Jesus said you shall have what you say (Mark 11:23). If you speak confusing words, the result is that your life will be confusing, because you’re giving confusing signals. Words are spiritual elements. They don’t die. That’s why Jesus said, “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36). One day, all your words will be shown to you by God, as to what they built, what they created, the image of your life and the circumstances of your life created by your words. The most important thing in your life is your words. Your words will decide the quality of your life on earth. Your words will decide you...

Wisdom For The Vision

True wisdom is of the Spirit; it comes from the Lord. Until divine wisdom is given, man walks in darkness. Wisdom gives insight. It gives foresight. It gives understanding. Wisdom guides and leads. And as you continually give yourself to the Word and the ministry of the Spirit, you function in greater wisdom. The Lord opens your mind, and your spirit will have such cogitations beyond this earthly realm. The wisdom of God gives you extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. It opens the world to you; and you’re amazed at what you see. Visions are things God entrusts to us. They’re investments of the Holy Spirit in our spirits. Sometimes, people mismanage visions and find themselves in the wrong path. But the beautiful thing is, God gives you wisdom to manage that which He shows you, and helps you fulfil His purpose for your life. Man’s wisdom can’t help you fulfil God’s vision; only divine wisdom can. Sometimes, you might listen to an older person talk about certain thi...

Rod Stewart - Cover Song - Have I Told You Lately - released June 1993


Rod Stewart - Sailing

Rod Stewart - Sailing

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes


Judge It By The Word

Sometimes, people receive what they claim to be visions or revelations from the Lord without subjecting such to God’s Word. They don’t take the time to check that such visions and revelations are consistent with the written Word. For example, a certain man had a vision. He had been a Christian for many years, but he became sick. While on his sick bed, he had a vision where someone, wearing sandals and a white robe, and covered with a cloud, walked into the room. He started looking from the person’s feet upwards to see who it was. As he looked to see his face; the man spoke up and said, “It’s not my will to heal you,” and disappeared. Although he couldn’t see the face of the one who appeared to him, he believed it was Jesus, because he said he felt the presence of God in the room. Hence, he accepted that it wasn’t the will of God to heal him, and began telling other brethren how it wasn’t God’s will for him to be healed. But that couldn’t be Jesus, or why would anybody ...

The power of God is in His Word. You receive power

The power of God is in His Word. You receive power when you hear the Word. Our opening scripture says, “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Healing is a power. When the healing power of God comes to reside in you, it doesn’t matter what sickness has been in your body, that power would produce results and prevail. Matthew 8:16 says, “When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.” You see, the Lord Jesus cast out devils with His word! There’s power in the Word. A dear sister’s baby had been in the hospital for some time and things weren’t looking good. The doctors had diagnosed the problem to be brain tumour and the prognosis was bleak; there was nothing more medical science could do. The family stood on God’s Word and believed for complete recovery. They prayed, and regularly confessed the Word over the little baby ...

The Bible tells us not to be like the rest of the world.

After you’ve given your life to Christ, you’ve got a responsibility. The Bible tells us not to be like the rest of the world. Don’t conform to the world’s standards and ways of doing things. Be different. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That means, change your way of thinking; have a new mindset. If you want to see increased manifestation of the glory of God in your life, you must keep renewing your mind with the Word. Before you became a Christian, you heard, and spoke words from the world; words that you learnt from your friends, from school, your environment, the members of your family, etc. Sometimes they were bitter words, angry words, and harsh words. Some other times, they were nice words. However, God gives us words that are more than “nice”; words of the Kingdom, with which to transform our lives from glory to glory. As you study and yield yourself to the ministry of the Word, your spirit is inundated with divine truths; your mind is elevated to ...

Speak Heavenly Words

esus tells us in the verses above that His words are the Father’s commandments; everything that He said came from the Father. In other words, the Father gave Him a commandment of what He should say or what He should speak. What He said in the next verse is even more inspiring; He said, “And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak” (John 12:50). Amazing! In John 20:21, He said, “…Peace be unto you: As my Father had sent me even so send I you.” Notice that He wasn’t only talking to Peter, James, John or the other Apostles, but to us today. Thus, the same way He spoke the Father’s words, words from heaven, we’re to speak heavenly words; divine words. We’ve been given a commandment of what we should say, and what we should speak. In Christianity, we don’t live for ourselves; we live for Him. We don’t speak for ourselves or from ourselves; we speak for Him, and from Him, just like Jesus. We h...

How To Manage Blood Pressure Naturally


Your Spiritual Origin

In John 6:38, Jesus said, “For I came down from heaven….” What a powerful, inspiring, and extraordinary declaration from the lips of the Master! He said, “…I came down from heaven….” “How is this possible? Didn’t we read that He was born of a virgin in a little town called Bethlehem? So, how did He come from heaven?” Some have wondered. First, you need to understand that Jesus never minced words. He was always succinct and unambiguous in His communication. When He said, “I came down from heaven,” He was speaking of His spiritual origin. This should further help you understand what He meant when He said, “...I am not of this world” (John 8:23). This shows that your origin has nothing to do with your physical birth; the land of your nativity. Those to whom Jesus spoke probably knew where He grew up in Nazareth, His mother, His siblings, etc. The Bible actually records that on a certain day, Jesus went out to preach in the town where He was raised as a little boy, but t...

be bold and courageous always:

Did you notice that the Apostle Paul didn’t say God will make proof of your ministry? He also didn’t say you should pray to the Lord to prove your ministry; no! You’re the one to prove your ministry. Notice the underlined portion: “…do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” This shows that it’s your responsibility. Many people live and never even begin what God chose them for, let alone complete it. They live and die without ever entering what God chose them to do in life. Colossians 4:17 says, “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” Think about that! Paul writes to the Colossians and tells them to charge a certain brother in the church to pay attention to his God-given ministry, and fulfil it. If it were God’s responsibility to fulfil the man’s ministry, Paul probably would have said, “Tell Archipus not to worry, God will make sure he fulfils his ministry”; he didn’t say that;...

I refuse to fear, for God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear

When it comes to preaching the Gospel, we must do it unafraid. Paul was aware, through the Spirit’s witness, that he’d be put in jail, and be in trouble in Jerusalem, yet he was undeterred. He said, “None of these things move me.” He was bold and courageous for the Gospel. Refuse to fear. Never get to the point where you’re intimidated or overwhelmed by the pressures and adversities of life, to affect your commitment to the Gospel. Never faint or give up in the face of adversity. Be strong. Be courageous. Preach the Gospel with boldness. If you’re a church leader, for example, and for some reason you’re told your church meetings can’t hold, or you can’t use a certain venue, it’s a fight of faith. Don’t chicken out and pack up the church, because of human threats! Don’t act as though you’re helpless. We’re not hamstrung. Pray, and let God’s wisdom guide you. When unreasonable laws are passed to stifle the Let Nothing Stop You And now, behold, I go bound in the spiri...

Take Advantage of The Anointing

Being born again, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is on your life. That anointing makes your life supernatural! You’re different from the rest of the world. Your words have power, because you’re an associate of the God-kind. When Moses stood before the Red Sea and God said to him, “Moses, stretch your hand over the water and divide it,” he obeyed God and stretched his hand over the water. At that moment, he ceased to be the mere man, Moses; he was in union with divinity. Why? Because when he stretched forth his hand, the hand of God was stretched forth also. When he spoke words, they weren’t the words of Moses but the words of God, for his words became anointed by the Holy Spirit. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is for you, and in you, if you’re born again. If you’ve received the Holy Ghost, that anointing of God’s Spirit will come upon everything that you do. This is what it means to be blessed; the anointing is deposited on everything you touch. That anointing le...

He’s Merciful

The Lord is merciful, compassionate, and kind. His mercies are new every morning, and endure forever. The Bible tells us how He sent Jonah to Nineveh to warn the people to turn away from their sins, but Jonah declined, because he thought God was too merciful and would forgive them, and change His mind about destroying them. So, instead of going to preach to them, he decided to flee to Tarshish (Jonah 1:3). Trouble ensued as Jonah journeyed in a ship with other mariners; there was a mighty tempest. When his co-travellers realized that Jonah’s disobedience to God was responsible for their ordeal, they cast him out of the ship, into the sea. The Bible says God prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah in the sea, and he was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17). Eventually, Jonah prayed to God from the fish’s belly, and the fish vomited Jonah unto the dry land (Jonah 2:10). Upon his deliverance from the fish’s belly, he followed God’s in...

Joe Cocker - You are so beautiful (nearly unplugged)


Sometimes when we touch - Rod Stewart


Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting - All For Love


Any Entrepreneurs Dream And It Is FREE!!!!

Any Entrepreneurs dream. The MarketHive system replaces every tool you have been told you need to buy in order to be successful with an internet business. It replaces having to buy: An Email Service - With MarketHive, it is Free A Social Media Broadcaster - With MarketHive it is Free! A Blogging Platform - With MarketHive it is Free! A Capture Page Generator - With MarketHive it is Free! A Leads Management Platform - With MarketHive it is Free! An Analytics Platform - With MarketHive it is Free! A Marketing campaign Management System - With MarketHive it is Free! A Backlink Tracking Program - With MarketHive it is Free! On top of all of this you can: Manage your advertising vendors both online and off Generate Advertising Co-op programs Provide a website rotator for your team Generate an asset map of all of your online assets Create Groups of like minded people to collaborate with An the list goes on and on. And best of...

The Authentic Christian Life

The Apostle Paul in the above text, warned of perilous times in the last days, and I want you to notice his choice of words. Notice that he didn’t say it’s going to be impossible to be a Christian in the last days; no! Rather, he uses the word, “difficult.” Why will many find it difficult to be Christians in these last days? It’s because of the challenges they would be facing, which really, shouldn’t be a problem if they’re in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. There’s no Christianity without the Holy Spirit; the only way to live the authentic Christian life is through the Holy Spirit. Irrespective of how nice, calm, or cool one might seem, if that person doesn’t have the Holy Spirit, he can’t live as a Christian. Human “goodness” or self-righteousness isn’t the definition of Christianity. Christianity is Christ alive and at work in you; Christ taking up His abode in the quarters of your heart, literally living in you through the Holy Spirit; that’s real Christianity! ...

Céline Dion - My Heart Will Go On


Markethive Alpha Promotional Program

Markethive is the only Social Network for entrepreneurs. It is flat out the most powerful Inbound Marketing Platform on the planet. JOIN NOW FOR FREEEEEE!!! Watch this inspiring video.

Don’t Despise Prophecy

In Acts 2:17 Peter quoted the words of the prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ….” This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. One of the ways to put that power to work is through the gift of prophecy. The gift of prophecy is a door to the supernatural; it’s a way to bring the supernatural power of God into your life, finances, job, or congregation if you’re a minister of the Gospel. Therefore, you must learn to prophesy! If you speak in tongues long enough, the anointing will come on you to prophesy; the Word of God will bubble up within you. And when that anointing comes on you, with the Word boiling inside you, give it vent; let it out. That’s prophecy. To prophesy is to speak words that have divine potency; words that have life; ...

Unalloyed Commitment To The Gospe

Once, Paul was planning to go to Jerusalem to minister, but some people tried to stop him. They envisioned a lot of trouble for Paul, fearing he might be killed if he embarked on the trip. They reminded Paul of how so many in Jerusalem at the time hated him and wanted him dead. Read the opening verse again for his inspiring response. What a mindset! This shows His unselfish devotion to the Gospel. His commitment was so fervent that no threat could deter him. No wonder he said in 1 Corinthians 15:31, “…I die daily.” He had a sentence of death on himself; his considerations weren’t about his personal safety, but the task at hand: the propagation of the Gospel. Then in 2 Corinthians 12:10, he made another profound statement; he said, “…I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake….” Is your commitment to the Gospel such that can be quickly diminished by adversities, tests, trials, and persecutions? Can ...

Can you change how the world views autism?

You Can Make a Difference autism nonprofit We’re igniting hearts and opening minds through autism storytelling so all individuals with autism have every opportunity in this world to shine! Our autism charity, Geek Club Books, produces original, creative story apps, webisodes, and digital content to educate children about autism and bring hope to autism families—and we hire autistic individuals to work with us on their creation. We’re addressing two important issues—public awareness/acceptance and autism employment. Why Should You Care? Today 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the majority are bullied and isolated in school, something my son (the inspiration behind Geek Club Books) experienced when he was growing up. It doesn’t get any better when they become adults−Socially isolated and marginalized, 90% are unemployed or underemployed. They are treated as burdens to society when so many just want an opportunity to share their gifts with the wo...

What is God’s Favor?

What is God’s Favor? : God is with us—for our good and His glory. The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered...When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes… Genesis 39:2-4 If your life includes some trouble and suffering, you are not alone. Think of Joseph’s story. (Genesis 37, 39-50) He was the favorite of his father's twelve sons. He became second-in-command to the Pharaoh of Egypt. He even saved the ancient world from famine. Surely this was a man in God's favor! Did you notice what was left out of that story? Stay in only certain parts of Joseph's story and it is easy to see his favor with God. But who could forget his brothers’ betrayal? How he was sold into slavery? How his purity was tested in his master's house? How he was thrown into prison for something he did not do? There's no denying it. Joseph suffered. And his great suffering was a key part of God's...