Pray For Your Country

As a Christian, it’s important to pray always for your
country and the leaders; be it your country of
residence or earthly nationality. Some people don’t know this:
many a time, there’s a strong spiritual conflict for the soul of
nations. In the days of Daniel, an angel had to fight the Prince
of Persia (Daniel 10:10-13). Such spiritual conflicts still happen
today, over countries of the world. There’re forces fighting for
the destruction and impoverishment of nations. But there’re
also angels, sent by God for the protection and prosperity of
those nations.
There’re very difficult days ahead, for many nations
of the world. But the Lord wants His people prepared and
ready. As we pray, angels sent by God are able to fulfil their
assignments in the nations of the world. So, in your privacy,
take time to pray for your country. Pray for the President or
the Prime Minister and leaders of your country.
As we pray, we mount pressure in the realm of the
spirit against the forces of darkness, and prevail against them.
Consequently, God’s purpose for those nations is fulfilled. It’s
been said that evil prevails when good men do nothing. So,
keep praying for your country, that the Word of the Lord
may have free course, and be glorified (2 Thessalonians 3:1).
Our prayers for the nations enable the Gospel to spread
unhindered. And when the Word of God saturates your
Pray For Your Country
nation, evil can’t prevail.
Our opening verse says we should pray “For kings,
and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” When the
Bible talks about “peace” here, it means a state of rest, where
everything is flourishing and in the right direction. This is the
life God expects us to live; and our prayer brings it into reality.
Glory to God!
Dear Father, I pray for my country
today, that wisdom and
understanding is imparted to the
leaders, to help them make the
right decisions for the benefit of
the people, and the spread of the
Gospel, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Luke 8:22-39
Joshua 5-6
Romans 4:11-25
Psalm 102
Jeremiah 29:7
Ezekiel 33:6-7
Isaiah 62:1
Pastor Chris


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