The Authentic Christian Life

The Apostle Paul in the above text, warned of
perilous times in the last days, and I want you
to notice his choice of words. Notice that he didn’t
say it’s going to be impossible to be a Christian in the
last days; no! Rather, he uses the word, “difficult.” Why
will many find it difficult to be Christians in these last
days? It’s because of the challenges they would be
facing, which really, shouldn’t be a problem if they’re
in fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
There’s no Christianity without the Holy Spirit; the
only way to live the authentic Christian life is through
the Holy Spirit. Irrespective of how nice, calm, or cool
one might seem, if that person doesn’t have the Holy
Spirit, he can’t live as a Christian. Human “goodness”
or self-righteousness isn’t the definition of Christianity.
Christianity is Christ alive and at work in you; Christ
taking up His abode in the quarters of your heart,
literally living in you through the Holy Spirit; that’s
real Christianity!
Jesus is in heaven. The only way He lives in you
is through the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t
live in you, it doesn’t matter how kind and nice you
The Authentic Christian Life
You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the
last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian
(2 Timothy 3:1 TLB).
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further study:
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Mark 10:32-52
Numbers 14-15
Acts 24:1-9
Psalm 56
Dear Father, I thank you for
empowering me with supernatural
ability and equipping me with all
that I need to live the divine life.
By the Holy Spirit who lives in
me, I set forth the wonderful
deeds, and display the virtues
and perfections of divinity to my
world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.  Pastor Chris


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