
Showing posts from April, 2021

Manage All Your Social Accounts From One Place.

Hello there! Nowadays, marketing yourself on social media requires you to be active 24/7.  But Crowdfire helped out a lot, it helps you manage your social media tasks and reduces the time you have to spend to literally 30 minutes a day. Crowdfire is your all-in-one social media management tool that helps you with scheduling posts, generating advanced analytics and managing social conversations, and you get it all for an affordable price. If you want to cut down your Social Media time, then this is your opportunity. You can sign up for a 14-day FREE trial right here: Crowdfire: The only social media manager you'll ever need.  Crowdfire  is a powerful Social Media Management tool for brands, businesses, agencies and individuals all around the world. Level-up your game with Social Media. Cheers,  

Why did Jesus have to experience so much suffering?

  Jesus suffered severely throughout His trials, torture, and crucifixion ( Matthew 27 ;  Mark 15 ;  Luke 23 ;  John 19 ). His suffering was physical:  Isaiah 52:14  declares, “There were many who were appalled at Him—His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form marred beyond human likeness.” His suffering was emotional: “All the disciples deserted him and fled” ( Matthew 26:56 ). His suffering was spiritual: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us” ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ). Jesus had the weight of the sins of the entire world on Him ( 1 John 2:2 ). It was sin that caused Jesus to cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ( Matthew 27:46 ). Jesus’ brutal physical suffering was augmented by His having to bear the guilt of our sins and die to pay our penalty ( Romans 5:8 ). Isaiah predicted Jesus’ suffering: “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide t...

here is your word for today

Verse:    Romans 6:13 ‘Present yourselves to God…’ - We have a choice to make. - We can choose sin and death or life and peace. - I encourage you to give yourself (present yourself) completely to God. - Don’t hold anything back, surrender your heart, soul, mind, and strength. PRAYER:  Lord, I come before You today, recognising how much I need You in my life. I present myself to You, my life, and my future, and I place it all in Your loving hands. You are my Living God and I will serve You with all my heart. Amen. Have an awesome Thursday.

What was the significance of Jesus being dead for three days?

  There are several reasons it is significant Jesus was dead for three days before His resurrection. First, resurrection after three days of death proved to Jesus’ opponents that He truly rose from the dead. Why? According to Jewish tradition, a person’s soul/spirit remained with his/her dead body for three days. After three days, the soul/spirit departed. If Jesus’ resurrection had occurred on the same day or even the next day, it would have been easier for His enemies to argue He had never truly died. Significantly, Jesus waited several days after Lazarus had died before He came to resurrect Lazarus so that no one could deny the miracle ( John 11:38–44 ). A second reason it was important for Jesus to be dead for three days was to fulfill biblical prophecy. Jesus personally claimed He would be dead three days ( Matthew 12:40 ;  16:21 ;  27:63 ;  John 2:19 ). Also, some point to  Hosea 6:1–3  as a prophecy of the Messiah’s resurrection after three days: “Co...

here is your word for today

Verse:    Joshua 1:5b ‘I (The Lord) will not abandon you or fail to help you.’ - God has no intention of abandoning you. - He will not fail to help you. - You can have confidence in this fact and this reality. - You can put your trust in your Heavenly Helper and His help. PRAYER:  Lord, You are the Rock on which I can stand secure. I recognise today that You are a sure Foundation because You will not abandon me and You willingly offer me more help than I even need. Amen. Have a great week.


 Pastor Chris  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).   The Bible says, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). This is inarguably the best and greatest news on earth; that He loved us while we were yet sinners. And because of His love, He sent Jesus to save us from destruction, sin and judgement. Blessed be God!  Romans 5:6 says, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Oh, the strength of this communication from God! If He loved sinners then, He still loves them today. He didn’t die for Christians; He died for the ungodly—the hopeless, wicked sinners; people who hated God. If His work of salvation hadn’t been perfect or sufficient and He had to do it again, He’d have done it! That’s how strong His love is.  This is to let you underst...

here is your word for today

Verse:    Deuteronomy 33:26 ‘There is none like the God of Jerusalem - He descends from the heavens in majestic splendour to help you.’ - Do you think that your challenges and issues are too great for God? - Never, He has an abundance of help in store for you. - God’s help is an unlimited resource. - It is but a small thing for HIM, your God, to help you! PRAYER:  Lord, You are my God and my Helper. I bring my requests and my petitions to You right now. I ask for Your help. Descend from the heavens in all Your majesty and help me, I pray. Amen. Have a great weekend.

Where was Jesus for the three days between His death and resurrection?

  A key passage in the discussion on where Jesus was for the three days in between His death and resurrection is  1 Peter 3:18–19 , which says, “Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison” (ESV). The word  spirit  refers to Christ’s spirit. The contrast is between His flesh and spirit, and not between Christ’s flesh and the Holy Spirit. Christ’s flesh died, but His spirit remained alive. Jesus’ body was in the tomb, of course, but His spirit, having departed at His death ( Matthew 27:50 ), was elsewhere for those three days. Peter gives a little bit of specific information about what happened in those three days between Jesus’ death and resurrection. The KJV says that Jesus “preached” to the  spirits in prison  ( 1 Peter 3:19 ). The Greek word used simply means that Jesus “heralded ...

here is your word for today

Verse:    Isaiah 44:22 ‘I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud, and your sins like a mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.’ - It is only God Who can remove the stains of sin and failure from our lives. - In His great love for you, He wants to wipe out the record of wrongs. - You can have a clean slate and you can start again in His love for you. - Let go of the past, with its regrets, and embrace HIM in your life. PRAYER:  Lord, thank You that I can start all over again, because of Your love and forgiveness towards me. I believe You have prepared a new season ahead of me, and I look to You as my Saviour and my Lord, as I take hold of You and what You have prepared for me. Amen. Have an awesome Thursday.

here is your word for today

Verse:    Exodus 33:17        (NIV) And the LORD said to Moses, ‘I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.’ - How awesome it is to know that we can ask God to intervene in our lives. - We should not hesitate, but we should bring our requests to Him and ask. - He is able, He is ready, and He is willing to hear our heart’s cry. - He knows you and He knows your heart, and He wants to help you. PRAYER:  Lord, thank You that You love and care for me. Thank You that I can know Your favour and blessing on my life. I humbly bring my requests to You and ask that You would do miracles, in my life and in my situation. Amen. Have a great weekend.

How can I not go to hell?

  Not going to hell is easier than you think. Some people believe they have to obey the Ten Commandments for their entire lives to not go to hell. Some people believe they must observe certain rites and rituals in order to not go to hell. Some people believe there is no way we can know for sure whether or not we will go to hell. None of these views are correct. The Bible is very clear on how a person can avoid going to hell after death. The Bible describes hell as a terrifying and horrible place. Hell is described as “eternal fire” ( Matthew 25:41 ), “unquenchable fire” ( Matthew 3:12 ), “shame and everlasting contempt” ( Daniel 12:2 ), a place where “the fire is not quenched” ( Mark 9:44-49 ), and “everlasting destruction” ( 2 Thessalonians 1:9 ).  Revelation 20:10  describes hell as a “lake of burning sulfur” where the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever.” Obviously, hell is a place we should avoid. Why does hell even exist, and why does God send some p...

here is your word for today

Verse:    Exodus 33:19        (NLT) The LORD replied, ‘I will make all My goodness pass before you…’ - The Lord wants to reveal and show us His goodness. - HE desires that His goodness would be a reality in our lives. - What we need is a revelation and an understanding of His great goodness. - May His goodness and His loving-kindness flood your heart and life. PRAYER:  Lord, I pray that Your goodness will become very real to me at this time. I ask that I will experience Your goodness, Your gracious care, and never-ending love, in my life today. Amen. Have an awesome Thursday.

here is your word for today

Verse:    Exodus 10:19        (GNT) ‘The LORD changed the east wind into a very strong west wind, which picked up the locusts and blew them into the Gulf of Suez. Not one locust was left in all of Egypt.’ - God can turn any situation around in a moment. - Here we see how God changed the wind and as a result the whole situation changed. - He can step into your situation and change the way things are. - Nothing is too difficult for Him. PRAYER:  Lord, I pray that You will cause things to turn in the areas that I am trusting You for. May the wind of Your Spirit blow over my life and bring about the healing, the breakthrough, and the change that only You can bring. Amen. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

here is your word for today

Verse:    Psalm 119:11 ‘I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.’ - When God is alive within our hearts, sin and wrongdoing is not an issue. - When fear and doubt dominate our hearts, we can stumble and fall. - Stay connected to the Lord and His Word. - When we do this, it will bring us out on the other side in victory! PRAYER:  Lord, today I remind myself of Your goodness, loving-kindness, and faithfulness to me. I hide and treasure what You have done and said to me, in my heart, and therefore I have confidence that I will follow Your ways and Your paths for my life. Amen. Have a great week.

here is your word for today

Verse:    Psalm 119:114 ‘You are my Refuge and my Shield; I have put my hope in Your Word.’ - The Lord is your Helper and Protector. - He is your Refuge and a Shield around you. - You can put your hope in Him and in His Word. - May the God of all hope, fill you with hope, as you trust in Him. PRAYER:  Lord, thank You that I can run to You and find the safety and security that I need. You are my source of hope, and that is why I will trust in You and in Your Word. Amen. Have a great weekend.

Where do you go when you die?

  The Bible is absolutely clear that, ultimately, there are only two options for where you go when you die: heaven or hell. The Bible also makes it abundantly clear that you can determine where you go when you die. How? Read on. First, the problem. We have all sinned ( Romans 3:23 ). We have all done things that are wrong, evil, or immoral ( Ecclesiastes 7:20 ). Our sin separates us from God, and, if left unresolved, our sin will result in us being eternally separated from God ( Matthew 25:46 ;  Romans 6:23a ). This eternal separation from God is hell, described in the Bible as an eternal lake of fire ( Revelation 20:14–15 ). Now, the solution. God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ ( John 1:1 ,  14 ;  8:58 ;  10:30 ). He lived a sinless life ( 1 Peter 3:22 ;  1 John 3:5 ) and willingly sacrificed His life on our behalf ( 1 Corinthians 15:3 ;  1 Peter 1:18–19 ). His death paid the penalty for our sins ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ). God now off...