Give thanks to God for all He's done. You confess beautiful things about Him and testify to His wondrous works in your life. Say"In the Name of Jesus, Father, I bless your holy Name; I thank you for your kindness, love, grace and mercy! I thank you for promoting me in life, and granting me all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. ' Instead of complaining to God about your job, family, finances, etc, learn to give Him thanks like this. When your life is full of praise and thanksgiving, you'll have a triumphant life. Now when you have this extraordinary life, you could easily be pompous or high-minded; so very quickly, he says." Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." That's the next point; submission. Though you are so blessed, yet you are humble; you're submissive to the authority and Lordship of the Word. Consciously practise these steps and get yourself filled with the Spirit every day, and your life will...