
Showing posts from July, 2012

You Were Made By God

You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make sense. Jesus; thank you that Your forgiveness is greater than my sins! Thank you God for blessing me much more than I deserve. Submit yourself to God everyday. Hallelujah.

Christian Bale visits shooting victims

Christian Bale visits shooting victims : The Dark Knight Rises star Christian Bale has paid a visit to the survivors of the Colorado cinema shooting and stopped by a memorial honouring those killed and wounded.

Janet Jackson 'slapped' niece Paris

Janet Jackson 'slapped' niece Paris : Janet Jackson has reportedly slapped her niece Paris Jackson and called her a "spoiled bitch" in an altercation at her mother Katherine's home.

God Takes Special Interest In You

God knew you before you were born; did you ever stop to think about it? It reveals just how important you are to Him. He foreknew and predestined you to a glorious life ever before you were born. God takes special interest in you because of Jesus Christ. He planned your life ahead of time. He planned to make you walk in preordained pathways and be conformed to the imagenand likeness of His son, Jesus. I've often tried to imagine what must have gone through the mind of Jeremiah, when the Lord said those words, telling him,"I chose you before you were born." It also applies to you. You didn't come to this world by chance. He knew you were coming; therefore you're not an accident. Never gripe, complain or worry about past mistakes. You should also declare," My life is for the glory of God." No matter what happens, square up, chin up, and be conscious that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has established you in preordianed pathways. Pastor Chris

Life is an echo!

Life is an echo What you send out - comes back What you sow - you reap What you give - you get What you see in others - exist in you Remember life is an echo It always gets back to you                                                        So give goodness!!

God's Will

As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned. That's what you call:                                  GOD"S WILL! Praise God for evermore!

You Have To Be Righteous T Live Right!

Many don't understand the difference between righteousness and right living. Being born again, you've been made righteous by God, and that's the only reason God would expect you to live right. He wouldn't expect someone who isn't righteous to live right. Religion teaches the opposite: that if you would live right, then God would make you righteous. That's not what the Word teaches. Some say,"if you would just live right, then God would accept you"; that's also inconsistent with the truth of God's Word. Righteousness gives birth to right living. It's the nature you were born with in Christ, which now gives you the ability to do right and live righteously to the glory of God. By the virtue of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you've been made rifgteous. The gospel says that an ungodly person can become righteous by having faith in that which was done by Jesus Christ for us on the Cross.

Allow To Stay Filled With The Spirit

Give thanks to God for all He's done. You confess beautiful things about Him and testify to His wondrous works in your life. Say"In the Name of  Jesus, Father, I bless your holy Name; I thank you for your kindness, love, grace and mercy! I thank you for promoting me in life, and granting me all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. ' Instead of complaining to God about your job, family, finances, etc, learn to give Him thanks like this. When your life is full of praise and thanksgiving, you'll have a triumphant life. Now when you have this extraordinary life, you could easily be pompous or high-minded; so very quickly, he says." Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." That's the next point; submission. Though you are so blessed, yet you are humble; you're submissive to the authority and Lordship of the Word. Consciously practise these steps and get yourself filled with the Spirit every day, and your life will...

Evident Success Through The Word

As a Christian, God's desire for you isn't just that you make progress and move forward in life, He wants your progress to be obvious to those around you. God loves to display His power through His children. God doesn't want to bless you in a corner; rather He wants the whole world to see what He has done for you. He wants to brag with your life. Therefore, you have to make meditation on the Word your priority; that's the recipe He's given us for good success and unending prosperity. God Bless

Speak Your Believing

It's not enough to merely believe; your believing must be followed by your bold confession of faith. Believing is  with the heart; but with the mouth; confession is made unto salvation. That means you must speak with your mouth, that which you've believed in your heart. If you don"t believe, speaking will not change anything.Faith is more than just believing; it"s givimg voice to your believing.You're to keep talking your way forward and upward! You're to keep talking yourself up all the time- in divine health, wealth, progress, increase, success and victory! You're to believe and keep speaking what God has said concerning you, your job and your family.Some parents don't umderstand this principle. THey call their kids all kinds of wrong names "Block Head"; "Good for Nothing"; that's wrong! Don't believe and speak such words about your kids. Talk them up! Tell them" fear nothing; you're the best. You're a b...

God Speaks To Your Spirit

Someone once asked:"No matter how hard I pray, I never get to receive any response from God; I don't even hear anything from Him. Right now it's like I am in a very dry land. The first thing you need to realise if you find yourself in this situation is that God is a Spirit, and He speaks to your spirit. Don't try to listen to Him with your physical ears. What you need to learn is how to listen to Him with your heart-your spirit. If you were praying, and started to listen with your physical ears to hear God, you may not hear anything except the sound around you. That's because God communicates with your spirit, He ministers to your spirit You should listen with your spirit when God communicates back to you. You have to educate, exercise and train your spirit, the primary way to go is by speaking in tongues. Do so all the time and your spirit will become sensitive to God and attuned to His frequency. That way when God talks to you, your spirit is able to pick u...

Sold-Out To The Gospel!

The fire of God's love for the unsaved is being kindled in the hearts of many today. Are you one of those people? Where are you in God's plan for the world? What's your role in His agenda today? Are you sold-out to the work He's committed to you? If you are not, then it's time you joined the army of God's altruistic soldiers. This is the right thing to do, because your joy, peace and prosperity are hinged on your dedication to God's number one business-soul-winners! The Bible says,"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33) If you're on this track already, be determined to accomplish even more for the Lord. Let your impact be felt in your sphere of contact.

Be Hold

Because off the oppression of the poor, because of the sigting of the needy. Now I will rise, saith God, I will set him in the safety he longed for! The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? THe Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shell I be afraid? If God is with me , who can be against me? Amen!!!

Growing Your Faith

Faith is the principle of life for the believer(Hebrew 10:38). The Bible clearly emphasizes that" ...without faith it is impossible to please him(God)..."One thing God expects of you is to increase your faith. You have to continually stay in the Word; studying the Word with undivided attention. The more you study God's Word, the more faith rises in you like a giant, causing your spirit to be stirred and energized.(Romans 10:17). Secondly, your faith can also be built as you fellowship with other believers. Make attending church services and meetings a top priority. Then cultivate a rich culture of prayer. Learn to enjoy a rich fellowship with the Holy Spirit in prayer by speaking in other tongues. Lastly get rich Christians materials and study them for yourself(2 Timothy 2:15). As you do, whatever the Spirit of God ministers to you, put it to work in your life and you'll grow prevailing faith.

Show Some Staying-Power!

Many people give up too soon in the pursuit of their aspirations when they're faced with daunting opposition. They are overwhelmed by the challenges they have to confront and come to the premajure conclusion that God probably did'nt intend for them to attain those dreams. "If God wanted me to accomplish this goal, He would'nt put me through so much difficulty", they would say. But this statement is mostly bome of a misunderstanding of God's Word. You see when God asks you to do something or go a certain direction, it does'nt mean there won't be adversaries in your path. Indeed you'll have to contend with some opposing forces; but God expects you to remain resilient, standing on His Word because your victory is assured. You should not give up on your God-given dream simply because you're faced with difficulties. Understand that He wants you to acquire victory in those circumstances. Don't give up now; stick to your course and show some...

Online Digital Literacy & IT Skills Training Courses and Certification

Online Digital Literacy & IT Skills Training Courses and Certification

A Need for Self-Discovery!

You're a blessing and also a blesser of men. This is who you are. Get acquainted with, and conscious of this reality. The Spirit if the Lord lives in you, and the Bible declares that all things are yours. Everything you require for life and godliness is already granted to you in Christ Jesus. You will wax greater and greater. The joy of the Lord is your strenght. May your day be filled with Light, gladness, joy and honour. Amen!

Your Primary Assignment

Your primary assignment in life is to do the work of the ministry; this is your highest calling; everything else is secondary. You may be a polititian, a doctor or a lawyer, which is great, but leading men and women into righteousness is your primary responsibility here on earth. You may say,: but I'm not a pastor:; well the work of the ministry is not for pastors or evangelist only; but also for the saints of God, and that includes you. You have  a divine mandate to turn men from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. You're supposed to go out to where you work, where you live, and to all you're in contact with, and witness to them! This is your highest calling; it's your work of service to the Master and the proof that you truly believe in Him.            Praise God for Ever More

Seek To Please The Lord, Not Men!

You could live your whole life to be known of men; to be famous and have lots of money, and everything money can buy. Nevertheless, if the Gospel of Jesus Christ isn't uppermost in your heart, as a compelling force in you, you've lived an empty life. Remember that one day, the Bible says, we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ, and every one of us shall receive the things done in his body. Then we all shall see what our true motives were; were you compelled by the love of God or by the praise of men? Focus on what God wants and channel your energies towards fulfilling His dreams, and His peace will reign in your heart! You'll continually heap success upon success as you live to the glory of Christ, seeking to please Him only.