Show Some Staying-Power!

Many people give up too soon in the pursuit of their aspirations when they're faced with daunting opposition. They are overwhelmed by the challenges they have to confront and come to the premajure conclusion that God probably did'nt intend for them to attain those dreams.

"If God wanted me to accomplish this goal, He would'nt put me through so much difficulty", they would say. But this statement is mostly bome of a misunderstanding of God's Word.

You see when God asks you to do something or go a certain direction, it does'nt mean there won't be adversaries in your path. Indeed you'll have to contend with some opposing forces; but God expects you to remain resilient, standing on His Word because your victory is assured.

You should not give up on your God-given dream simply because you're faced with difficulties. Understand that He wants you to acquire victory in those circumstances. Don't give up now; stick to your course and show some staying-power as you put the Word of God to work, and you'll surely come out with a testimony!


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