
Showing posts from November, 2011

Life is for Living

I watched the tiny green fly struggling to free itself from a drop of water on the wash basin. It was making progress so I absorbed the water with a tissue and gently remove the exhausted insect away from the basin to recover. I suppose my actions may be foolish but I cannot help being moved by the sight of a weak creature trying to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. This week I want to plead to you to honour life , in whatever form. Please treat life with respect and with great care. It is such a precious gift!! Give thanks for life first thing every morning. Be kind and gentle to yourself and others everyday. Life is short and fragile, it can easily be snuffed out just like a candle. Do not smoke, drink heavily or abuse over the-counter drugs. This wonderful body body is all you've got!! Take good care of it and you will be able to enjoy a long and full life. Life is for living; give it your best shot this week!! Ruyard Harrison

Don't Joke Againt the Word!

Some Christians in there confessions, are sometimes positive,and some other times negative, and that's the reason they experience "ups and downs" in their lives. Having made a wrong confessions they;d say:"I didn't really mean what I said,"or"I was only joking whan I said that." In the realm of the spirit, you have whatsoever you say, whether or not you meant it. In Mark 11:23, Jesus didn't say "You shall have whatsoever you mean, "He said "You shall have whatsoever you say." If you must make a joke, let it be positive, and don't joke against the Word. Don't make careless statements,for they'll produce results for you. That's why you must only say what you mean, and be sure it is consistent with the Word. Your life is the character of your words, if a man's words are confusing, his life will be confusing. In yhe same way, if a man's words are wholesome, his life will be wholesome. This is why yo...

Life is Good

Yes life is good in anyway, one should enjoy life . You only live once and should love it . Keep on smiling, be happy and live your life to the fullest . Be greatful to God and for the love of your family . My mom just won a washing machine, she is so happy cause her old one just broke. Just show you that God is good. Keep Smiling and the World will Smile back at You. Ask and it Will be Given onto You. Just Do Yourself A Favour and  Be Happy!!

Choose Life

Moses said to Israel: Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and success or death and disaster. I threaded my way between the overgrown graves in a old church yard. Most of the headstones carried the inscription "rest in peace" but the wording on one small grave read 'she was born on 1st April 1941 and fell asleep on 14th February 1945'. What could have cause this little one to 'fall asleep'? Her life was very short but most of us can look forward to at least a few or lots of years. What are we doing with this precious gift of time? We have a choice; we can choose to live or die right here and now. We can choose to embrace life with gratitude and enthusiasm ,or we can choose to take the path that leads to self-destruction. We must choose carefully, we must choose life not because we want to go to heaven one day but because we want to help create a better world. This life is important; our scriptures honour life and encourage us to live it to ...