Choose Life

Moses said to Israel: Today I am giving you a choice. You can choose life and success or death and disaster.
I threaded my way between the overgrown graves in a old church yard. Most of the headstones carried the inscription "rest in peace" but the wording on one small grave read 'she was born on 1st April 1941 and fell asleep on 14th February 1945'.
What could have cause this little one to 'fall asleep'?
Her life was very short but most of us can look forward to at least a few or lots of years. What are we doing with this precious gift of time? We have a choice; we can choose to live or die right here and now. We can choose to embrace life with gratitude and enthusiasm ,or we can choose to take the path that leads to self-destruction. We must choose carefully, we must choose life not because we want to go to heaven one day but because we want to help create a better world.
This life is important; our scriptures honour life and encourage us to live it to the full.
They also urge us to to work for peace, justice and a good quality of life for all.
We have a God given opportunity to transform ourselves and in the process transform the whole world.The little girl that died so young did not have the opportunity to choose her life.
We are privileged to have the opportunity to choose life.
We can be kind, gentle and considerate to all the people and animals that we encounter every day. Have a great day!! 


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