- When we are facing challenges, or hard times, it can often feel like God has abandoned or deserted us.
- It can feel lonely, when things do not seem to be working out like we had hoped or expected.
- When our path does not take us straight to the destination, we had seen in our mind's eye, its easy to get discouraged.
- When our brokenness and despair seems without purpose or end, we may be tempted to take our eye off the goal, and choose to look at the waves, that seem to have the power to overwhelm us.
- However, the truth of the matter is that the Lord is with you.
- His hand remains a mighty hand.
- He remains mighty to save, mighty to deliver, and mighty to bring about breakthrough and deliverance.
- The mighty hand of the Lord is with you today!
Exodus 13:9 'For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand.'
- In Exodus 13, Moses repeatedly reminds the people of the mighty hand of the Lord, that was part of their lives, and this included their past, their present and their future.
- Oh, to know that the mighty hand of the Lord is with you, is surely the greatest comfort any human being can know.
- When we begin to imagine a future without the Lord and His mighty hand in our lives, it brings fear, dread, anxiety, and hopelessness.
- When we contemplate a future, with the full knowledge that He, together with His mighty hand, will accompany us, we can be bold, determined, fearless, and secure.
- When we remind ourselves of the strength of His mighty hand, and the fact that His hand is with us, we can be filled with positivity and hope.
- To underestimate something means to estimate it as being unable to deliver what it has promised.
- When we underestimate something, we estimate it to be smaller or less important, or less able to deliver, on our expectations.
- Begin to remind yourself that God is great and powerful, and remind yourself that His mighty hand is in fact MIGHTY BEYOND WORDS and reaches beyond all the limitations of life, and our opinions.
- Psalm 144:7 'Reach down Your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue me from the mighty waters!'
- 'Mighty Waters' represents a deep place of challenge and difficulty.
- I am not sure what 'Mighty Waters' you are facing today, but I know one thing for sure, that place is NOT beyond the reach of His mighty hand.
- Exodus 13:14 'With the power of His mighty hand, the LORD brought us out of Egypt, the place of our slavery.'
- The Lord did not expect the people of Israel to rescue themselves.
- In fact, they were so broken and devastated, after years of struggle and abuse, that they could not help themselves.
- Then, God in His mercy, reached down, with His mighty hand, and He lifted them up from the lowest and the most desperate place.
- He will do the same for you.
- Psalm 40:2 'He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.'
- Romans 5:6 'When we were utterly helpless (powerless), Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.'
- When we reach that place where our strength is utterly exhausted, our hope is totally dashed, and all our efforts have left us exhausted and drained, then the Lord, and His mighty hand comes, to that very place in which we find ourselves, and He becomes the strength that we need.
- His hand reaches down to us and lifts us up, rescues and delivers us, and restores a spark of hope deep within our hearts.
- Exodus 13:3 Then Moses said to the people, 'Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the LORD brought you out of it with a mighty hand.'
- Egypt was the world's power of its day.
- It was the most powerful force on earth at that time. It held sway over the affairs of humanity, and the people of Israel were held within its, seemingly, all-powerful grip.
- The Pharaoh ruled with a rod of iron and whatever he said was law and truth.
- It was truly an impossible situation, BUT for the mighty hand of the Living God.
- There are many things that have the potential to hold us in bondage and to hold us ransom, but there is One Who is greater and more powerful than anything else.
- His hand can break the hold of anything that is trying to hold you hostage or even trying to throttle the life out of you.
- Look away from the things that seek to destroy, look to Him and His mighty hand.
- There is nothing too difficult for the Lord and nothing that His mighty hand cannot do or accomplish on our behalf.
- As you look at what you are facing, always look at it from the perspective of His mighty hand, and rest in His ability and plan.
- We need the reality of His mighty hand to be a personal reality in our own lives.
- My great-grandfather was a shunter on the railways. He was responsible to connect and disconnect the trains and the coaches, depending on the purpose. In preparation for a train to be ready, the correct coaches had to be coupled together. One day, he lost a finger, as the coach was connecting with the engine, and his finger was caught, between the two coupling devises. He lived with the memory that you need to get your hands out of the way when two forces come together.
- Our lives need to be coupled to His mighty hand, then we need to keep our hands out of the way, as His hand and our lives connect in divine purpose and destiny.
- May there be a coupling in your spirit today.
- You cannot do it without His mighty hand at work in your life.
- Remind yourself that your life is now coupled to His mighty hand.
- Remember the promise of His mighty and enduring presence in your life.
- Do not see yourself as a coach that is not connected to an engine, but see, in your mind's eye, how your life can be all its meant to be, because you are coupled to the powerful engine of His mighty hand.
- Do not allow your imaginations to take you down a deserted or an abandoned track, but see the engine of His mighty hand drawing you upwards and onwards, to all He has in store for you.
- Ephesians 1:19-20 'I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him in the place of honour at God's right hand in the heavenly realms.'
- Isaiah 59:1 'Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear.'
- For us, who believe in Him, there is an incredible greatness of God's power that we need to understand and grasp for ourselves.
- We serve a GREAT, BIG and WONDERFUL God, for Whom nothing is difficult.
- He says: 'I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?'
- The only thing that will undermine the might and the power of His hand in our lives, is unbelief.
- Mark 9:23 'All things are possible to him who believes! ' Immediately the boy's father cried out, 'I do believe; help my unbelief!'
- Give Him your unbelief right now, and He will even work with that and bring you to the place where you believe.
- Believe, believe that His mighty hand is with you.
'Believe in what your heart is saying, Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste, There's so much to celebrate
Believe in what you feel inside, And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need, If you just believe!'
Words from the song 'Believe' by Josh Groban
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