
Showing posts from October, 2020


  When we are facing challenges, or hard times, it can often feel like God has abandoned or deserted us. It can feel lonely, when things do not seem to be working out like we had hoped or expected. When our path does not take us straight to the destination, we had seen in our mind's eye, its easy to get discouraged. When our brokenness and despair seems without purpose or end, we may be tempted to take our eye off the goal, and choose to look at the waves, that seem to have the power to overwhelm us. However, the truth of the matter is that the Lord is with you. His hand remains a mighty hand. He remains mighty to save, mighty to deliver, and mighty to bring about breakthrough and deliverance. The mighty hand of the Lord is with you today! SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 13:9 'For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand.' 1. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE. In Exodus 13, Moses repeatedly reminds the people of the mighty hand of the Lord, tha...

What does the Bible say about coping/dealing with a terminal illness?

  It certainly can be difficult to accept some of the sorrowful twists and turns that life brings our way. And there are few things that can stir the human soul more than the news of a terminal illness diagnosis. First of all, know that Jesus cares. Our Savior wept when His beloved friend Lazarus died ( John 11:35 ), and His heart was touched by the sorrow of Jairus’ family ( Luke 8:41-42 ). Jesus not only cares; He is at hand to help His children. Our God is an “ever-present help in trouble” ( Psalm 46:1 ). The Holy Spirit, the Comforter of our hearts, dwells with us, and He will never leave ( John 14:16 ). Jesus told us in this world we would have troubles ( John 16:33 ), and absolutely no one is spared ( Romans 5:12 ). Yet coping with any degree of suffering becomes easier when we understand God’s overall design to redeem our fallen world. We may not be guaranteed  physical  health in this life, but those who trust in God are promised  spiritual  security for...

Why did God create mosquitoes?

  When God created the world, He said it was good ( Genesis 1:31 ). This amazing world was perfect; there was no sin, disease, crime, or suffering. In God’s perfect creation, the animals were given “every green plant for food” (verse 30). Mosquitoes were part of creation, but they were wholly vegetarian. There was no need for mosquitoes to bite humans or animals for blood. The need for mosquitoes to prey on humans resulted from  the Fall  and the curse that followed. The world changed drastically with the entrance of sin. Mosquitoes have become a vector for several diseases, aiding the spread of malaria, yellow and dengue fever, encephalitis, zika, and many other maladies. Why do mosquitoes bite? It’s interesting to note that not all mosquitoes bite people and animals. The male mosquito never consumes blood. It is only some females that need blood to aid them in egg production. All mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, and some entire species of mosquitoes—male and female—feed...

Why would God allow Covid-19?

  “Why would God allow Covid-19?” The whole world seems to be asking this question, a fact that actually gives the biggest part of the answer. More on that shortly. COVID-19, or coronavirus disease 2019, is a respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The effect of the illness can range from mild to severe. First identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the virus quickly spread to other countries. On March 11, 2020, COVID-19 was declared a  pandemic  by the World Health Organization. Only a liar or a true prophet can claim to know God’s reasons for bringing about COVID-19 or any other specific calamity. That’s partly because God’s purpose extends to every individual involved, from the beginning of time to the end of the world. Understanding every possible factor goes far beyond human ability, but God has within His complete knowledge and control every facet of every situation ( Romans 8:28–30 ). The Bible reveals some insights about God’s use of deadly dis...

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Stay Connected to Jesus

Keys to a Fruitful Life. Written by  Dan Lee  on 16/05/2017 Series:  Weekly Devotional Tags:  God ,  Bible ,  Holiness ,  Scripture Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5 The two pear trees in my yard produced a lot of delicious pears last summer. Did those branches have to strain and strive to produce those pears? No! The only requirement for the branch to grow fruit was to stay connected to the tree. Recently, a hailstorm broke a small branch off one of the trees. That branch, lying on the ground, will sadly never produce any more fruit. So the secret to being fruitful, as Jesus said in  John 15 , is to abide in Jesus — that is, to stay connected to Him. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it ...

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When You’re Stuck Not Loving Your Life

  Here are some keys to contentment. Written by  Tracie Miles  on 20/10/2020 Series:  Weekly Devotional Tags:  Contentment ,  Happiness ,  Strength ,  Stuck ,  Discontent I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation Philippians 4:12b (NIV) Life had not turned out the way I had hoped and planned. And I wasn’t happy about it. In fact, I was discontent with everything. It’s not that I wanted “more,” I just wanted “different.” I found myself feeling stuck in a life I didn’t love and powerless to change it. When life is hard, heartbreaking or even just disappointing, it’s easy to start disliking life altogether. Especially when we feel as if life should be one way, but instead it’s another way entirely, and it may not even be our fault. When this happens, we can easily get stuck in a negative mindset — not only about life, but possibly about God — both of which open the door for discontentment to settle in. Recognize the p...

Should a church close due to inclement weather?

“Snowstorm Coming! No Church Tomorrow!” If we’ve been part of a local congregation for any length of time, we’ve received news like that. Whether it be ice, rain, snow, or excessive heat, some natural elements can affect the advisability of corporate gatherings. Like the local school systems, many churches choose caution and safety over pushing forward with a planned activity. No one in authority wants his or her decision to be the cause of someone’s misfortune. However, as people of faith, shouldn’t we be fearless? Isn’t church more important than the weather? Is it right for a church to close due to inclement weather? The first thing to keep in mind is that no human being has the power to “close” the church. The church is not a building but a body of believers ( Romans 12:4–5 ), and Jesus declared that even the gates of hell will not prevail against His church ( Matthew 16:18 ). We have no central temple to which we must go to worship. God has created a new temple—the bodies of His s...