When we are facing challenges, or hard times, it can often feel like God has abandoned or deserted us. It can feel lonely, when things do not seem to be working out like we had hoped or expected. When our path does not take us straight to the destination, we had seen in our mind's eye, its easy to get discouraged. When our brokenness and despair seems without purpose or end, we may be tempted to take our eye off the goal, and choose to look at the waves, that seem to have the power to overwhelm us. However, the truth of the matter is that the Lord is with you. His hand remains a mighty hand. He remains mighty to save, mighty to deliver, and mighty to bring about breakthrough and deliverance. The mighty hand of the Lord is with you today! SCRIPTURE READING: Exodus 13:9 'For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand.' 1. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE. In Exodus 13, Moses repeatedly reminds the people of the mighty hand of the Lord, tha...