I am writing to you from a windy and cold Western Cape in South Africa. Our first major winter weather has arrived. It has been cold and windy but clear and beautiful.

We are still living in a state of lockdown, as most of the world is enduring simultaneously. It is an unusual time for everybody. May I encourage you to live one day at a time, and remain flexible, tenderhearted and kind, because it is a difficult time for everybody. Although the future seems unclear and unknown, we know the ONE who knows the end from the beginning, and He has promised to be with us, no matter what.

During this time, I have been reading the story of the liberation of the people of Israel as recorded in the book of Exodus. It has been such an encouragement to see how the Lord heard, saw and stepped into their situation and rescued them. I do believe that the Lord is stepping into the situation in the world today, to do what He does best, bring us freedom.

The notes are especially written to encourage and strengthen your faith at this time. You will find them below this email, scroll down, and take a read. I am praying that as you do, the Lord will come and lift you up, and fill you with hope.

Tomorrow is a special day on the Christian calendar. It was one of those moments in time, when the Lord stepped into the lives of humanity, to enable and empower them. On this day, we remember and celebrate the time when the Holy Spirit was sent. It was also a difficult time, but right there the Holy Spirit came upon people and they were changed. They were filled with boldness and power, and they went on to change the world. Perhaps, what we need, currently in the world, is a similar moment in our own lives.

Our President has called for a day of prayer for tomorrow, Sunday 31 May 2020(South Africa) Obviously, it will be a time of individual prayer, as we ask the Lord to intervene in our country and the world, especially in the light of the pandemic. When I was a child (Age 6), our country was experiencing a prolonged and extensive drought. Our president called the nation to prayer. I went with my parents to a local church to pray. The Lord intervened and sent rain.
I would encourage you to pray, there where you are, and ask the Lord to intervene again.

Thank you for the support we have received during this challenging time. We rejoice in how the Lord has provided during this time. Thank you!

Exodus 3:12 He (the Lord) answered, 'I will certainly be with you!'
Rest assured, HE will certainly be with you, Franklin.

I pray that you will know the blessing, provision and protection of the Lord during this new month of June.

Blessings and kind regards,


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