The future of the next 15 - 20 days of the COVID-19 Pandemic

One of my close friends just got this message from an overseas team member of theirs in France, and I wanted to pass it along.  Stay safe and be prepared.

"Hey Team!

I'm writing from the future... well, your future since we're 15-20 days ahead of you in the pandemic.

In France we're entering lockdown tomorrow, but make no mistake you'll enter lockdown too, next week (if you're lucky, the earlier the better) or the week after.

By now, you must have all stocked on food and supplies, hand sanitizers, liquid soaps and chlorine-based wipes and disinfectants (very important!).

- Don't make the mistake of thinking that it's just like the flu. It's not. We have one of the best healthcare system in the world, miles ahead of Italy, and it's already being overwhelmed in some areas. It's not the flu, it's a disaster, an invisible hurricane or earthquake that will sweep across the country in a matter of weeks.

- Don't believe that it only hits old people. Half of people hospitalized in France are less than 60 years old, and we're talking 20+ days of hospitalization with severe pneumonia and lung damages.

- Don't go to the groceries stores when the lockdown is imminent, that's the best way to catch COVID-19

- If you have old family members and they don't live with you, prepare them for not getting visits for a while. Teach them how to skype.

- Prepare yourself and your family mentally and physically to stay at home for at least a month (probably much more). Make sure your computers work, prepare about fun ways to spend the time!

- You might have trouble focusing on anything else when the lockdown is looming (that's me, right now). Don't binge the news, they're addictive (again, that's me). Don't expect much work from me for the next couple of days, sorry.  After a few of days of lockdown, things should get back to normal (I hope!)."

Clearly, this is no ordinary flu, and is much more aggresive.

Here are the people most at risk:

If you’re over 50
If you have diabetes
If you have a heart condition
If you are overweight
If you have a compromised immune system
If you are a smoker

If your immune system can’t fight off the infection, it quickly turns to pneumonia and is often fatal.

Even worse, if things really take off like they are predicting, you won’t even be able to get proper treatment because the hospitals will be flooded...

Simply put, the very BEST way to protect yourself is to make sure your immune system is in top shape.  But, what's the best route to fortify our immune systems right now?

Dr. Andrew W. Saul, an international expert on vitamin therapy, says, “The coronavirus can be dramatically slowed or stopped completely with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Bowel tolerance levels of C taken in divided doses throughout the day, is a clinically proven antiviral, without equal.”

Unfortunately, not all vitamin C is created equal, and most of what lines grocery store shelves has very little benefit as vitamin C tablets have very poor absorption.

To address this, our friends at PuraThrive created a Vitamin C supplement several years ago that uses a patented liposomal technology to be up to 20x more absorbable than regular Vitamin C by delivering vitamin C directly to your bloodstream.  It's tried and proven.

Demand is extremely high and they've already sold out twice, so I'd urge you to secure as much of this highly absorbable Vitamin C as you can to be prepared in these coming weeks as the current situation appears to be only getting much worse...

This could be the last batch made for a while...

Secure your Maximum Absorption Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C now:


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