Get the AMAZING Freedom Charger that works with Andriod and Iphone devices
Get the AMAZING Freedom Charger that works with Andriod and Iphone devices. You will avoid the frustrations of dealing with inferior cords that waste your hard earned money! The Freedom Charger will charge hundreds of devices from Android, iPhone, Drones, Video Game Remotes, WiFi Head Sets, Go Pro Cameras, Charging Packs, as well as any other device that uses Lightning or Micro USB!
The Toughest, Smartest, Most Versatile Charging Cord on the Market! Like most people I just got fed up with charging cords that frayed or were easily damaged! I also grew tired of going to a friend's house and all he had was a cord that charges Android and I have an iPhone! The Freedom charger will set you free! My name is Cliff
The C cord is a new 24 pin connector that certain newer phones require. You place an adapter on our 2 in 1 tip and make it a 3 in 1 tip. Our cord will charge iPhone/lightning and micro usb/android as it comes. When you put the adapter on it will charge C ports as well. We also sell a stand alone C cord as well. WATCH THE VIDEO :
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