A New Life in Jesus

A story of God’s healing and purpose
Written by GodLife on 28/11/2017
Tags: Testimony, God, Healing

But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.
Exodus 9:16
Every day people from all over the world connect with us at GodLife. They are dealing with sickness, unemployment and heartbreak, among other things. The one thing they all have in common? They are all searching for God’s purpose in their life, just like you. Today we want to share Joe’s story -- a story of God’s mighty power in the midst of sickness.

Living through fear

The words were barely out of the doctor’s mouth before Joe had a flood of dread fall over him. “Cystic fibrosis.” The thoughts raced through his head. “I’m not going to live a full life. How can I live a normal life? What does this all mean?”
Most people diagnosed with this disease, including Joe’s mother, die before they reach the 50 years old. Since his diagnosis, Joe, a young man from the United States, has had to deal with the daily fear, anxiety and worry that come along with cystic fibrosis, not to mention the expensive medications that help treat his illness.
Another factor the diagnosis brought Joe was a sense of urgency about life that most other people aren’t forced to live with. Being faced with his mortality at an early age meant that Joe started on a frantic journey to seek out spiritual answers.
Near the beginning of his search, Joe divinely intersected with a GodLife gospel presentation, which caused him to fully consider his nominal Christian background more seriously. After submitting a question, Joe got in contact with Mike, his Online Missionary, and his life was changed forever.

Clarity in hardship

After only a few messages, Joe felt so safe talking to his Online Missionary that he brought him one of life’s biggest questions: How can I be sure I am saved?
“When I've tried to study the Bible or hear about people being saved or talking about how important it is to be saved there's a voice that keeps saying, ‘Have you really been saved by God? It just seems too good to be true.’” Joe said. “I keep hearing it and I'm starting to question my salvation… I think you're the only person I can come to, Mike. I hope you can help me out.”
At this point in his life, Joe thought he was saved because he was raised in a Christian family. With the Gospel fully and clearly explained to him by Mike, Joe came to a startling realization: he had never put his full faith in Jesus as his Lord.
“After reading what you had to say, I came to the conclusion that I really haven’t accepted Jesus and allowed Him to save me and bring me closer to God … Today I truly accepted Jesus as my savior and the Lord of everything in my life. I prayed that He would help me get my life back on the path to God and that He would fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I can have the life and personality a true Christian should have.”
This true acceptance of Christ started an undeniable fire in Joe that lead to him becoming an Online Missionary himself, a seminary student and eventually a pastor of his local church.
Now, Joe is a reproducing believer who shepherds many to the ultimate truth of Jesus Christ as Lord. God was able to do all of this through a simple message from Joe and faithful work from Mike, his Online Missionary.
As his life continues with uncertainty because of his disease, Joe can be assured in one thing: his life is hid with Christ on high!
When Joe connected with us, he started to communicate with a caring Christian friend who led him to the Lord’s path. Just like him, you too can have a relationship with the almighty God. We are right here, ready to guide you and care for you every step of the way!

Pray this week:

“Lord, reveal to me the purpose you have for my life. Mold me in your ways and let me useful so that your name will be proclaimed in all the earth.” Amen.


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