Be Ruled By The Word

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye
through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body,
ye shall live (Romans 8:13).
As a child of God, you’re an ambassador of
Christ. That’s how He sees you. You’re His
representative. That’s why it’s important that your
behaviour conforms to the Word. Be ruled by the
Word. Don’t live according to your flesh. Don’t be
controlled by your emotions. Give no place to carnality
in your life. Be spiritually minded. Spend time on the
Word and yield yourself to the Holy Spirit to work
through you.
Remember, He sees your heart; if you’re hungry
for Him; if you’re zealous and passionate for Him and
the spread of the Gospel, He’ll see to it that you’re a
success in life. So, you’ve got to align yourself with His
thoughts. Let nothing stop you from living a life that’s
pleasing to the Lord. Let your life be to the praise and
glory of the One who called you.
Walk in the Spirit; the Bible says, “This I say then,
Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the
flesh” (Galatians 5:16). Walking in the Spirit is walking
in the Word; living according to God’s Word. As long
as you can have bitterness in your heart, you’re not

walking in the Spirit; as long as you’re still involved in some worldly, carnal machinations, you’re not walking in the Spirit. Refuse to be body-ruled. Live beyond the senses, for Christianity is life in the spirit. Don’t live in accordance to how you feel; live in accordance to the Word. You’re not of this world; you’re born of the Word. Jesus said, “I’m from above,” and so are you;
you’re from above. Therefore, “set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians3:2). Don’t think, talk, or act like the world. Let theWord of God dominate your thinking and control your life.
I’m born of the Spirit, and I’m
fully yielded to His leading,
guidance and control; I don’t
fulfil the desires of the flesh. I’m
fulfilling God’s perfect will, and
living out my destiny in Him. I
yield my spirit to Him only, to be
instructed and guided in wisdom
to please the Lord in all things.


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