Bless Your World With The Anointing

But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth
in you…(1 John 2:27).
Acts 19:12 tells us that handkerchiefs and aprons
were taken from Paul to the sick: “…and the
diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of
them.” This is just wonderful! The handkerchiefs, of course,
had no intelligence whatsoever, but they contained the power
of God. Paul transferred the anointing of the Spirit to the
handkerchiefs, and when the handkerchiefs made contact
with the sick, healings took place; demons checked out.
If handkerchiefs that had no intelligence could contain
the power of God, how much more could you? Your body
is the temple of the Holy Ghost, meaning that you’re a
God-carrying vessel. You embody the very power of the Spirit.
Be conscious of it. With this power, you can
accomplish tasks that are humanly impossible. You have to
acknowledge that the anointing is in you. The Bible says, “That
the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the
acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ
Jesus” (Philemon 1:6).
Get to know who you are; you’re a supernatural being.
No devil, sickness, or disease can stay in your body. The Bible
says, “…nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
“...Greater is He that’s in you than he that’s in the world” (1
John 4:4). With you, anything is possible (Mark 9:23). You’re
full of power.
Reach out and bless your world with the power of the
Holy Spirit: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
Bless Your World With The
Anointing cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give” (Matthew
Dear Father, thank you for the
Word of your grace which builds
me up and fills my heart with
divine treasures, causing me to
bring forth fruit unto
righteousness. I declare that the
Holy Spirit is working in, and
through, me today; I manifest
your glory, and bless my world
with your divine presence that I
carry, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Acts 4:1-31
2 Chronicles
2 Corinthians
Songs Of
Solomon 5-6 FURTHER STUDY:
Acts 5:15-16
2 Timothy 1:6
Philemon 1:6
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