Yield To The Leading Of The Spirit

One reason some of God’s children find themselves
in unpalatable situations is that they don’t submit
to the leading of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads us through
the Word. Any counsel you receive that’s contrary to what
the Word says isn’t from the Holy Spirit. Some people pray
about something, then an idea comes to them, and they say,
“Well, God is leading me to do such-and-such.” If you were to
ask them, “Why do you believe it’s God that’s leading you in
that direction?” they’d say, “because I prayed about it.”
The fact that you prayed about it isn’t enough! What
did the Lord say to you after you prayed? Did He tell you
expressly to go ahead and do whatever it is you think He’s
leading you to do? Is the idea you got in sync with God’s
Word? Is it consistent with the scriptures? His Word is His will
expressed. In yielding to the Spirit, to be led by Him, you yield
to the Lordship, supremacy, and guidance of the Word.
This is why knowing the Word for yourself is absolutely
indispensable. It’s important to have accurate knowledge of
the Word. The more submissive you are to the Lordship of
the Word, the more easily the Spirit can lead you, and express
Himself through you. His desire is to lead you from glory to
Our theme verse says, “For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God, they are the sons of God ” (Romans 8:14).
The underlined portion has to do with maturity; it refers to
Yield To The Leading Of The
the matured sons of God (“huios”: Greek)—those who have
come to the place of maturity—they subject themselves to the
leading of the Holy Spirit.
To fulfil God’s destiny for your life, you must learn
to follow the Spirit in the Word, by the Word, and through
the Word. Never make a major decision in your life without
consulting with Him. And don’t be in a hurry when seeking
His guidance; be patient until you hear His voice—His words—
in your spirit, and never be in conflict with the Scriptures.
I’m born of the Spirit, and I’m fully
yielded to His leading, guidance
and control; His truth and
wisdom are the forces of my life,
propelling me from glory to glory
as I walk in the paths prearranged
for me by God. I’m fulfilling His
perfect will, and living out my
destiny in Him, in Jesus’ Name.
Luke 16
1 Samuel 1-2
119:129-144 FURTHER STUDY:
1 John 1:6-7
John 16:13-15
Isaiah 30:21
Pastor Chris


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