The Lord’s Supper And The Holy Communion

Even though many use these terms synonymously,
there’s a big difference between the Holy
Communion and the Lord’s Supper. They’re not the same.
What some celebrate as the Lord’s Supper is the
Passover meal; the last meal the Lord shared with His
disciples. That’s like the Love Feasts we have in our cell or
church groups today; we come together once in a while and
eat together. Paul referred to similar feasts in 1 Corinthians
11:20-22 where he rebuked some people for not waiting for
their brethren, but over-ate till others had nothing to eat. He
said to them, “If you can’t be kind to one another during love
feasts, then eat at home before coming.” This definitely wasn’t
the Holy Communion.
On the night Jesus was betrayed, as He ate the
Passover meal with His disciples, He took bread separately,
broke it, and gave it to them to share (Matthew 26:26).
He said, “This is my body.” This is different from the meal
(the meal was His “last supper” with the disciples). He also
took the cup (after supper, 1 Corinthians 11:25), gave thanks,
and said to His disciples, “...Drink ye all of it; For this is
my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many
for the remission of sins.” This is the communion. He had
communion with them during the “last supper.”
The Holy Communion is the communion of the body
and blood of Christ. When you’re born again, you become
The Lord’s Supper And The
Holy Communion
one with the Lord. You become a participant in His body
and blood, a sharer of His life. Therefore, in partaking of the
communion, you’re reaffirming your oneness with the Lord,
and reminding yourself of who you are.
We’re one with the Lord. This means His victory is
our victory; His ability is our ability. We’re sufficient in His
sufficiency (2 Corinthians 3:5). There’re no impossibilities with
you, now that you’re in Christ. You’ve been brought into the
life of unending victories. Be mindful of these as you prepare
to take the Communion.
Dear Father, I’m grateful for the
communion of the blood and the
body of Christ, by which I
emphasize my victory over Satan,
the world and its elements.
Through the vicarious death of
Christ on the cross, I have eternal
victory and dominion over sin,
sickness, disease, death, and the
devil, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Luke 9:37-62
Joshua 16-19
Pastor Chris


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