Be Honourable

Someone once asked, “Does God bless borrowed
money, including borrowed money given to Him as
offerings and seed?”
There’s nothing wrong if you borrow money, but make
sure you pay back; otherwise, God doesn’t like it. The Bible
says, “The wicked borroweth and payeth not again.” God
describes the one who doesn’t pay his or her debt as wicked.
God wants you to serve Him with wholehearted devotion,
and willingness of mind, but at the same time, with honesty.
Your integrity should be impeccable.
There’re people who don’t have credibility, and don’t
care about their integrity. When they owe, they refuse to pay,
and start praying for debt cancellation. Others deliberately
stay away or hide from their creditors. This is wrong; it’s the
way of the wicked. The word “wicked” in our opening verse
describes one whose ways are perverse; someone who isn’t
walking in the light of God; and that shouldn’t be you. If you
owe any debt, don’t let it linger; pay promptly.
Most people who don’t pay back when they borrow,
lack integrity, and as a result, they delay their own blessing. If
you’re an employer, don’t owe your employees their salaries.
When people work for you, don’t delay their payments.
We’ve been called to live a higher life. We’re the light of the
world. Let the character of Christ be expressed through you
always, and in all things.
Dear Father, I rejoice greatly,
Be Honourable
because I know that you care for
me, and all of my needs have
been entered into your supply
system. I don’t lack any good
thing, and I owe no one, for I’m
abundantly supplied; I’m
prosperous, and in all
circumstances, self-sufficient,
requiring no aid or support.
Thank you Father, for all things
are mine, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Luke 13:22-35
Judges 14-16
Romans 10:1-10
Proverbs 20:7
Romans 13:7-8
Psalm 11:3
Pastor Chris


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