The Knowledge Of His Will

The word translated “knowledge” above is the Greek
“Epignosis”; a special kind of knowledge. It actually
means precise, accurate, and absolute knowledge that can
only come by revelation; it’s the kind of knowledge that
comes from God’s Spirit.
Not many have the knowledge of God’s will for their
lives. Not many function with wisdom and spiritual
understanding. They’re hoping that they’re functioning in
God’s will; hoping that things will turn out right, but the
Spirit’s desire is that you be filled with the knowledge of
God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. This
will stand you out, and make you a wonder to your world,
because you won’t think or reason like the natural man.
Consider Jesus: a man was brought to Him, who was
born deaf and dumb. When Jesus saw him, He didn’t respond
like others would have responded, on the basis of their
limited, earthly understanding. He didn’t say, “You know, he
was born that way; there’s nothing anyone can do for him”;
no! He had a different understanding; He had spiritual insight.
He knew what led to the problem, and how to fix it.
The Bible says, “…he took him aside from the
multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and
touched his tongue; And looking up to heaven, he sighed,
and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. And
straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue
was loosed, and he spake plain” (Mark 7:33-35). You couldn’t
The Knowledge Of His Will
find that in the hospital, the laboratory, or through science.
This was spiritual understanding expressed. Jesus knew that
life, human life, is spiritual.
This is how God expects us to live. Your thought
pattern, perception of everything and of every situation,
should be from God’s perspective and interpretation; it
should be from God’s standpoint, not man’s. He wants you
to have spiritual insight; knowing what to do at all times;
knowing His will and functioning accordingly at all times. This
happens through meditation on the Word, and fellowship
with the Holy Spirit.
Dear heavenly Father, as I
meditate on the Word today, the
eyes of my understanding are
enlightened to know your will
and purpose, and walk
accordingly. Grace and peace are
multiplied to me today, through
the knowledge of your Word, in
the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Amen. Pastor Chris


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