
Showing posts from February, 2016

He Doesn’t Convict You Of Sin

It’s not the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convict God’s people of sin. The Bible says the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, not the Church. For the Church, the Bible says, “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged” (1Corinthians 11:31). That means by our own spirits, we can tell when we’ve done something wrong, and our own spirits will judge us. We let our spirits judge us, so that we might not be judged of the Lord. Your spirit has the nature of God. When you do wrong, what you need is to act on the Word of God: receive forgiveness. You don’t ask for forgiveness, which is where a lot of people miss it. The Bible didn’t say that you ask for forgiveness; rather, it says in Hebrews 4:16 , “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Did you notice it doesn’t say, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, and ask for mercy?” Instead, it says “to obtain,” th...

Articles - How to cure the flu through your feet-VIDEO ON PAGE 3 - Hit the News

Articles - How to cure the flu through your feet-VIDEO ON PAGE 3 - Hit the News

God’s Favor in Your Life

God’s Favor in Your Life : God’s favor does not give you a “perfect” life “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry.” Psalm 34:15 (NIV) You might be surprised to learn that those whom God favors sometimes experience pain and suffering. We might not understand it, but God shows His favor and His love in many different ways. Let’s see what His favor can look like in your life. Favor Does Not Prevent Suffering Jesus instructed His followers, “Don’t store up treasures here on earth” (Matthew 6:19), and the Bible instructs God’s people, “if your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life” (Psalm 62:10). Israel’s King David (a hero of the Old Testament) suffered physical hardship when he was persecuted by Saul. God also allowed physical pain to bother the Apostle Paul, who received divine revelation and wrote many books in the New Testament. Just like Paul’s physical pain, God does not always fix every hardship in your life. Even ...

Use God’s Mirror

Israel, in the Old Testament, was called to obey the law. But as Christians, we’re called to do the Word, we practise the Word. It’s called the “mirror principle.” The Word of God is a mirror, and anyone who hears the Word and doesn’t do it, (notice He didn’t say “and doesn’t obey it”), it’s like a man who sees himself in a mirror and when he turns away, forgets who he is. Which means the one who does the Word is the one who looks at himself in the mirror and remembers his identity. God’s Word says, “You’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus”; your response, therefore, should be, “Yes, that’s who I am! I’m the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” That’s what God’s mirror shows you to be. When you turn from that mirror, keep the picture in your mind, and keep saying what the Word says. The necessary result is that you will live as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The same principle applies to your health; the doctor may have looked into your body, and s...

The Knowledge Of His Will

The word translated “knowledge” above is the Greek “Epignosis”; a special kind of knowledge. It actually means precise, accurate, and absolute knowledge that can only come by revelation; it’s the kind of knowledge that comes from God’s Spirit. Not many have the knowledge of God’s will for their lives. Not many function with wisdom and spiritual understanding. They’re hoping that they’re functioning in God’s will; hoping that things will turn out right, but the Spirit’s desire is that you be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. This will stand you out, and make you a wonder to your world, because you won’t think or reason like the natural man. Consider Jesus: a man was brought to Him, who was born deaf and dumb. When Jesus saw him, He didn’t respond like others would have responded, on the basis of their limited, earthly understanding. He didn’t say, “You know, he was born that way; there’s nothing anyone can do for him”; n...

Discover How Coconut Oil Can Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s

 How It All Started It all started when Dr. Mary Newport’s husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at the age of 51. He quickly deteriorated to the point where he couldn’t tie his shoes, hold a conversation or read a book. His existing medication weren’t working and he was rapidly going downhill. Being a researcher, Dr. Newport started looking into the physiology of the brain and the changes that occur in the demented brain. She came up with a new possibility: coconut oil. She started her husband on four teaspoons per day, and soon noticed some amazing results. Not only did Steve Newport stop deteriorating, he also became more cognitively agile, was able to read again, interact, and walk around without help. Mary felt she got her husband back. The Study Dr. Newport wanted to quantify her findings, so she started applying for funding that would enable her to do research on coconut oil in relation to treating Alzheimer’s. After a lot of convincing, she was finally given green lig...

Lemon and Baking Soda – Powerful Healing Combination for Cancer

It has been shown that sodium bi-carbonate (baking soda) alkalizes the area around the tumor and prevents development of metastasis (spread of a cancer from one organ to another) in mice with breast cancer. A study published in Cancer Research in 2009 confirmed that inhibition of tumor’s acidity reduced the number of metastasis in some cancers. A new study is underway at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, which will look specifically at the effects of sodium bicarbonate on breast cancer patients. Lemons, too, help to balance the body’s pH. They have an alkaline effect on the body, despite their initial (citric) acidity. They contain limonoides which are phytochemicals and have anti-cancerous properties. Vitamin C destroys free radicals, which damage our cells. An interesting thing about lemons is also that they act as an anti-microbial. Some researchers suggest that cancer is like a fungus, and should be treated in the same way, so lemons might be a powerful remedy. Now ...

This Is For All Entrepreneur!!

Image : The current Alpha Founders (LEGACY) are fellow visionaries and limited partners in MarketHive. For a small one time commitment, you will receive greatly expanded benefits and lifetime rewards including a lifetime residual income based on MarketHive revenues. The one time price for this Legacy Alpha Founder lifetime partnership was $1200.00 and has been slashed to $600 until all 150 are sold. Join NOW!!!

Many people have the wrong perception about Christianity

Many people have the wrong perception about Christianity. Some say it’s the worship of God. Others say it’s the belief in Jesus Christ; and some others say it’s going to church. Though Christians worship God, believe in Jesus Christ, and go to church, none of these really define Christianity. Christianity is the out-working of the Christ-life in a human being. It’s the manifestation of the righteousness of God in a human person. It’s the daily walk of divinity in humanity; God’s daily walk in a man; that’s Christianity! Christianity is the Word of God in manifestation; Christians live-out the Word of God. Your life, as a Christian, is the expression of the Word of God; you’re the epistle of Christ. Therefore, your lifestyle should reflect who you really are; you’re a true witness, a living proof that Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, and is alive today. The Apostle Paul, in explaining this, said we’re living epistles (letters). Your life is b...

How To Clean Yellow Teeth

Products aimed at beautifying your smile line the shelves of drugstores these days. The problem? Many of these teeth whitening products contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health and can ultimately lead to eroding the enamel on your teeth. Even professional whitening performed by a dentist can lead to painful sensitivity, and the methods used are not natural in the slightest. However, don’t give up hope: if you want a brighter, whiter grin, there is a once-a-week method that can have you flashing your pearliest whites—the natural way and you only need a few ingredients such as baking soda and a lemon. How to Naturally Whiten Teeth You can naturally and cheaply whiten your teeth at home using just two simple, all-natural ingredients and a toothbrush. You can brush your way to a whiter smile in just a few minutes’ time, once per week. Here’s what you’ll need: 1 tablespoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) – you can also use baking soda as a general kitchen medicine....

The Power Works For Those Who Believe

G od’s power is available always, to save, bless, heal, and transform lives; but it only works for those who believe. Romans 1:16 emphasizes this; it says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth ….” Now, this will clarify some of the assumptions and erroneous beliefs that some people have. For example, there’re those who say, “Every sick person for whom Jesus prayed, got healed.” But the Bible doesn’t say so. In some places, the Bible says, “And he healed many...” (Mark 1:34). In some other places, it says He “…healed all that were sick” (Matthew 8:16). So, when God says “many,” and when He says “all,” we should know the difference. But then, I want to show you at least one place where healing miracles were hard for Jesus: His hometown of Nazareth. The Bible lets us know that because of His demeanour, the people murmured, “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda...

The Next Susan Boyle??-Jamie Pugh - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 Ep...


Trust Him With Your Life

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD’S, and he hath set the world upon them (1 Samuel 2:8). There’s no disadvantage for the child of God. Believe it. It makes no difference how you were born, who your parents are, your environment, or historical background; being born again, your life is ordained by God to go only in the direction of success. You may have been born into an extremely poor family; it doesn’t mean anything! You’re the seed of Abraham. Therefore, your wealth has nothing to do with your biological parents or family tree. There’s no rule or law that states that those that were born in the palace will do better in life than those born in a derelict hamlet in some poor countryside. Actually, the worse the circumstances of your birth, the greater the potentials of your testimony! So, never have a reas...

Maintain Your Focus; Don’t Give Up

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13). God wants you to be steadfast in your walk of faith, because in due season, that is, at the right time, you’ll reap a harvest, if you don’t give up. As a child of God, there’re unique abilities that God has placed within you. You might be at a stage in your life where you’re not sure whether you should continue doing the things the Lord has committed to you, due to challenges, persecution, tests and trials. But let me tell you this: maintain your focus. Don’t give up. The Bible says if you faint in the day of adversity, if you give up, because of the troubles and challenges you’re facing, then your strength is small. But your strength isn’t small, because the Lord Himself is your strength. To give up in the day of trouble means you trusted in yourself. 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” T...

Elvis Presley - Let It Be Me (live in Las Vegas) The King Of Music


Can't Help Falling In Love


Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds Live in Las Vegas


Joe Cocker - up where we belong


Rod Stewart - Sailing (Official Music Video)


Live The True Christian Life

There are believers whose behaviours and lifestyles are unbecoming of Christians. Their uncommendable behaviour is manifested in the way they treat other people. It could be those that work for them, or with them, or it could even be those who are senior to them; their character and behaviour are such that aren’t worthy of emulation. Your behaviour must be exemplary. Please the Lord in your dealings, and not yourself. If your manner of life is inconsistent with the Word, you can’t experience the anointing of God’s Spirit in your life as you should! Your life won’t glorify God! It’ll be like “sowing among thorns.” The thorns will choke the crop. How clean is your mind? How clean are your thoughts? How clean are your desires? It’s important that you renew your mind with the Word, and be sure that your affections, choices, thoughts and desires are in line with the Word. Be a true Christian, in heart and in action. The Word of God has been given to us to check our action...

He Needs Your Permission!!

Some people wonder why we need to pray for God to intervene in certain matters. “Can’t God just save everybody in the world, since He wants them saved? Why do we have to pray for Him to do what He desires? Can’t He see the pains and sufferings that people are going through?” They ask in bewilderment. But you see, what such folks don’t understand is, God needs our permission. Yes, He does. Now, here’s how it works: God gave the first Adam, a lease on this earth; God gave him authority over this earth; but the earth always belonged to God. The Bible says “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof...” (Psalm 24:1). However, He put it in the charge of Adam. And as long as that lease is on, God has no “right” to intervene in the earth. If you study the third chapter of the Book of Genesis, you’d know how Satan came into the picture; and how he took over from Adam. Adam willingly sold out his right to the earth to Satan by committing treason against God. Thus, Satan’s...

Esteem Your Leaders

I f you’ve never been a leader or occupied a leadership position, you may never fully comprehend some of the peculiar challenges of leadership. If you ever want to get to the top or remain at the top, then you must learn to think from the perspective of a leader. The challenges of leadership are very peculiar to leaders. And until you’re one, you don’t know what they’re like. The challenges and responsibilities of leadership are enormous! That’s why we pray for leaders. Whether they’re leaders in your church, place of work, or country, pray for them. The more you pray for them, the more understanding, tolerant, and appreciative you’ll be of their work. Then God will find it fit to bring you to some position of leadership, because you’re learning to understand. There’re some people who are quick to criticize leaders. Don’t be that way. Don’t always think that your leaders are taking the wrong steps just because you’re not comfortable with their decision. If you want to...

All Entrepreneurs Should Use This!! Awesome!!

The Rise of the Entrepreneurs is gaining momentum. All Entrepreneurs should join this new Social Network for freeeeeee, Yes FREEEEE  Simply AWESOME!!! The main benefit however is the lifetime limited revenue share in MarketHive of up to 20% for Alpha Founders. Imaging if you had been offered a share in the revenue of the likes Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or YouTube, it would have provided you with a comfortable residual income. MarketHive has been developed over the past couple of years to provide the little man with the power and the tools to match and surpass the leaders in the Industry. For example built in to this free site is an autoresponder which is superior to the likes of Aweber, and Get Response. the blogging system is integrated to the likes of facebook, linked-In and Twitter. the video section links directly into YouTube and the whole system is dynamic. MarketHive is set up to become your home on the Internet. you can set up marketing campaigns, researching ...