" is it that Satan has so filled your heart..." - Acts 5:3
... I hear Him whisper - satan has been let loose!
We live in a time where we are out of time!
God is acting swiftly, separating quickly and dividing instantly.
There is no room for grace in this season of a judging work from Heaven. People are INSTANTLY being handed over into the ungodly and unrepentant offences and desires of their own heart - The very things which God has previously spoken to them about and have given them room to repent over.
At this very hour satan is being let loose to possess the hearts of men and of women who have been disobedient and are filling their hearts with deception to become enemies of the Truth of God, His Word and servants. Friends will become enemies of their friends, brothers will rise against brothers and sisters will be raised against sisters. Many will be mislead and deceived to follow after fables and deceiving doctrines of demons.
Who you are connected to and where you are connected will be crucial at this time and will be evident in the fruit produced in your life in the next five years.
Withdraw from any association where there is any hint of dishonesty, lies, hypocrisy and watered down teaching, leading away from a call of a total commitment in every area of your life to be given in sacrificial service to God.
Keep yourself without blemish and spot and set aside as a pure and holy vessel of God.
There is no second chance to come back and do this! Now is the time of the ten virgins, of the conserving of some and the great falling away of others - The separation of the true bride in waiting and the defilement of a false, posing, virgin bride.
It will be compromise and an easing of the Holy principles of the Holy Spirit and His Word, that will lead many who were once vigilant and pure, to be put asleep at this time.
" is it that Satan has so filled your heart..." - Acts 5:3
... I hear Him whisper - satan has been let loose!
We live in a time where we are out of time!
God is acting swiftly, separating quickly and dividing instantly.
There is no room for grace in this season of a judging work from Heaven. People are INSTANTLY being handed over into the ungodly and unrepentant offences and desires of their own heart - The very things which God has previously spoken to them about and have given them room to repent over.
At this very hour satan is being let loose to possess the hearts of men and of women who have been disobedient and are filling their hearts with deception to become enemies of the Truth of God, His Word and servants. Friends will become enemies of their friends, brothers will rise against brothers and sisters will be raised against sisters. Many will be mislead and deceived to follow after fables and deceiving doctrines of demons.
Who you are connected to and where you are connected will be crucial at this time and will be evident in the fruit produced in your life in the next five years.
Withdraw from any association where there is any hint of dishonesty, lies, hypocrisy and watered down teaching, leading away from a call of a total commitment in every area of your life to be given in sacrificial service to God.
Keep yourself without blemish and spot and set aside as a pure and holy vessel of God.
There is no second chance to come back and do this! Now is the time of the ten virgins, of the conserving of some and the great falling away of others - The separation of the true bride in waiting and the defilement of a false, posing, virgin bride.
It will be compromise and an easing of the Holy principles of the Holy Spirit and His Word, that will lead many who were once vigilant and pure, to be put asleep at this time.
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