A Miracle?

Did dead mother save her baby from beyond the grave? Three US cops
claim mystery 'woman's voice' called to them from flooded car where
they found baby alive beside her mother's body - 14 HOURS after crash
  *   Lynn Groesbeck, 25, was driving home from her parents' house
Friday night when she veered off roadway and into Spanish Fork River  *   Fisherman found the car the next day, partially submerged in the river
  *   Groesbeck was found dead in driver's seat of vehicle, while her
baby girl was alive in the back seat, above the frigid river waters  *   Police officers said they heard an unknown woman's voice asking
softly for help as they approached the overturned car  *   Lily Groesbeck, 18 months old, was flown to Primary Children's
Hospital, where she was in stable condition and is improving

The four officers who rescued an 18-month-old toddler from the wreck
of a submerged car on Sunday said they launched into their heroics
when they heard desperate pleas for help coming from a woman inside.

But when the four men used all their strength to right the red Dodge
sedan, they found little Lily Groesbeck to be the only passenger left
alive in the vehicle.

Her mother, 25-year-old Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, had passed away the
night before when she lost control of the car and could not possibly
have called for the men to help save her child.

'For two nights I've laid awake trying to figure out exactly what it
could be. All I know is it was there, we all heard it,' Spanish Fork
Police Officer Tyler Beddoes said. 'It was extra motivation.'
[Lone survivor: 25-year-old Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck (left) and her
18-month-old daughter, Lily (right), were found inside a crashed car
in Utah's Spanish Fork river on Saturday. Groesbeck pictured above in
a photo posted to Facebook]


Lone survivor: 25-year-old Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck (left) and her
18-month-old daughter, Lily (right), were found inside a crashed car
in Utah's Spanish Fork river on Saturday. Groesbeck pictured above in
a photo posted to Facebook
[Spanish Fork Police Officers Tyler Beddoes, left, and Jared Warner,
right, and Spanish Fork City Firefighters Lee Mecham, second from
left, and Paul Tomadakis, second from right, answered questions Monday
night regarding be the first responders on scene]
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Spanish Fork Police Officers Tyler Beddoes, left, and Jared Warner,
right, and Spanish Fork City Firefighters Lee Mecham, second from
left, and Paul Tomadakis, second from right, answered questions Monday
night regarding be the first responders on scene
[Submerged: The temperature in the river was near freezing throughout
the night after the car hit the river. Water flowed into the car
through broken windows and rushed just below Lily's head]
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Submerged: The temperature in the river was near freezing throughout
the night after the car hit the river. Water flowed into the car
through broken windows and rushed just below Lily's head
[Tragic: Groesbeck died in the crash, but her baby, Lily, survived, is
according to CNN<http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/09/us/utah-baby-alive-submerged-car/>.


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