
Showing posts from September, 2013

God Is With Us!!

If God is for us, nothing can stand against us. God's love for us is much greater than we can imagine. He loved us so much that He didn't even spare His own Son. Nothing will ever seperate us from His love. Aren't we blessed? - an excerpt from "The Bible in 366 Days For Men"



CashUnite - A Revolutionary New Way To Earn Money From Your Social Networks!

CashUnite - A Revolutionary New Way To Earn Money From Your Social Networks!

Grade 8 learner assaults Teacher


Fellowshipping Through Prayer!!

What a blessing to know that you can communicate directly with your heavenly Father; that you can have His hundred percent attention through prayer: “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:12). This is one reason you ought to always be excited to pray. Some people only pray when they need something. That’s wrong! The time of prayer isn’t just a time to ask God for things; it’s a time to commune or fellowship with Him. That’s the time to hear what He has to say and receive direction for each day’s activities and challenges. The Bible says concerning Jesus that, “…in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” (Mark 1:35). Jesus took prayer seriously while He was on earth, because He understood the importance of communing with the Father. On another occasion, it was recorded that He prayed all night ...

Fellowship with the Lord By Meditating on His Word.!!!

WELCOME TO A NEW WEEK TRUST YOUR SERVICE WAS SUPER. GLORY TO JESUS !!!!!!!! TAKE TODAY'S CONFESSION IN TODAY'S RHAPSODY - "RULE OVER CIRCUMSTANCES" CONFESSION I know who I am. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! The world is mine, because I’m a joint-heir with Christ. Greater is He that’s in me, than he that’s in the world. I live the life of excellence, victory, and dominion over Satan; I reign triumphantly in all circumstances, in Jesus' name. Amen. You don’t have to live by “trial and error”; stick with the Word, and everything about your life will work out beautifully well. Yielding to the Word of God and living by it will make you a wonder to others. They’d begin to ask how come life is so easy for you! The answer is simple: the Word of God has become the pilot of your life. So, fellowship with the Lord by studying and meditating on His Word. Glory to God! God Bless you

We Are All Human!!!

HEAR THIS! OH MY GOD! GLORY. GET MORE FROM MESSAGE TITLED EXCELLENCE PART 1 Inside everyone of us is a hidden treasure. Nobody was born without a unique DNA. Everyone who came into this world came in with a unique DNA. There is a uniqueness to your personality. There is something that you carry that nobody else in the whole wide world carries. The important thing is to find one's place and be the best of what you brought - PASTOR CHRIS WOW! THIS MAKES ME SPEAK IN TONGUES - RAKABAYAYEEEEE - ZONTOROBO - KARAMASHIKA HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH! THANK YOU JESUS YES I WILL BE THE BEST OF WHAT I BROUGHT. I HAVE FOUND MY PLACE

Snow on Table Mountain

Snow on Table Mountain : Table Mountain is covered in snow. See all the latest pictures. Were you there? Send your pictures to or upload them here.