Don't give up!!!

This should be your attitude as well. The story isn’t complete until you’ve won! Things may not be going the way you expect at the moment, but don’t despair. Reiterate your trust in God and testify openly of His love for you. Give Him praise for making all things well. Tell yourself, “I’m not giving up but I will speak of His wondrous works” and begin to rejoice in the Lord God of your salvation.
Remember Paul and Silas? Things couldn’t have looked more hopeless for them as they huddled in chains in the dark dungeon of that maximum-security Roman prison. But instead of cringing in fear and hopelessness, they decided to praise God, and you know the rest of the story (Acts 16:23-36).
It’s time for you to testify and praise God like you’ve never done before. You may not feel like it, but do it anyway, because that’s where the victory lies! It’s not over yet. Put your trust in God. Start telling everyone how good and gracious your God is. Worship Him in spirit and in truth and He’ll inhabit your praise and bring His power to bear on your situation. Remember this: it’s still your month of Testimony and it’s not over until you’ve won! Hallelujah!


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