Arise, Shine For Your Light Is Coming!

Thought For Today: Arise, Shine For Your Light is Come! Arise [from the depression in which circumstances have kept you – rise to a new life!] Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! (Isaiah 60:1 Amp). Jesus is the light, so arise, get up, wake up, because your light has come! Don’t look down anymore. If you do, all you’ll see are the problems and challenges you’re going through. Rather, look up to the light. The Apostle Paul, while preaching in Lystria, said to a man impotent in his feet, “Arise!” and the man leaped and walked (Acts 14:8-10). An angel walked into the prison where the Apostle Peter was and immediately, the chains he was bound with fell; the angel didn’t have to break the chains nor did he have to open the door; it opened of its own accord (Acts 12:7-10). The Spirit says to you today that the chains that have kept you down were broken a long time ago; you’re out of bondage. Hallelujah! The month of Lights is not time to let your problems weigh you down; rather, keep your gaze on the Lord Jesus; He’s the glory of the light of God’s Word. His Word is still the same to you today. Yes, your finances, business, or health may be at a low point now, but thank God there’s hope for you, because “Jesus Christ (is) the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever more” (Hebrews 13:8). You’ve been creeping too long; you’ve been crawling too long. It’s time to arise and shine, for your light is come! Believe in your abilities; believe in who you are in Christ Jesus. If you were born poor, or weak, or sick, the light has come. So get up! No matter what you thought you were, the light has come, the bands are broken, and the chains are destroyed! Praise the Lord! Share your comments today.


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