Increase Glory!!
Thought For Today: Manifesting Increased Glory – Be Graceful In Your Communication
Don’t use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing. (Ephesians 4:29 The Living Bible).
The Holy Spirit instructed us to meditate on Ephesians chapters 4 and 5 in order to manifest increased glory this month and we’ll begin to share with you inspiring thoughts from those scripture portions. One of the thoughts given to us here by the Spirit is about our communication. In very instructive and categorical terms, the Spirit of God, through the Apostle Paul admonishes us not to engage in unwholesome or corrupt communication. Corrupt communication is any utterance, word, speech or question that doesn’t edify or minister grace to the hearer. As a believer the words that proceed out of your lips should be words that’ll minister healing to a broken heart, courage to the one who is discouraged, and comfort to the one who is in despair. This month, be graceful in your communication.
The Bible lets us know that a perfect man is one who doesn’t offend in words (James 3:2); his words or communication are not offensive. In other words, he doesn’t speak words that are contrary to the Word of God. When he speaks, his hearers are blessed, uplifted and edified. That’s because his words are seasoned with grace.
Some people are so used to criticizing others instead of blessing them and praying for them. Your confession towards those in your world must be constructive and edifying. The more you speak God’s Word towards them, the more His Word will influence their lives for good. For instance, your edifying communication concerning your nation and her leaders will cause progress and development. The Bible says by the blessing of the upright a nation is exalted (Proverbs 11:11).
Damaging words could be more destructive than physical weapons of criminals. Thus in order to manifest the glory of God in your life in increasing measures this month, choose to communicate like your heavenly Father. Let your words be kind and affectionate. Refuse to have itching ears for gossips, and don’t company with those who are fond of discussing the affairs of others. Let your words concerning people be graceful, inspiring, motivating and encouraging. This is what the Spirit desires of you. Praise the Lord!
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