You're Divinely Favoured!

Favour is a friendly regard shown towards another, especially by a superior. It means gracious kindness; a special privilege or right granted you; especially that which you did'nt deserve.

It's also an advange bestowed on you for your benefit. As a child of God; you're divinely favoured. The Lord has encompassed you roundabout with divine fovour; as with a shield." For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield". ( Psalm 5:12)

The Lord has deep love for you and His time to favour you is now! Being the highly favoured child of a loving God, you can never be disadvantaged. Most certainly, all things will always work together for you good( ROmans 8:28), irrespective, and indepentend of the circumstances in which you find yourself.

Never count yourself out or believe that anything is too good for you!  If it is the best, then it belongs to you because you're God's best. For you are His favoured and treasured possession.


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