Exercise Dominion Over The Economic System Of The World!
Thought for Today: Exercise Dominion over the Economic System of the World!
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
All things are functioning together for your good; the trees, air, electricity and everything in this earth. This simple yet powerful thought will change your life if you can only believe it. There is no man, system or government with a good enough idea to stop your prosperity, victory and dominion. It’s impossible for you to be disadvantaged. This is because your prosperity is not dependent on government policies but on God’s Word that is greater and more powerful than any government.
You are not of this world; he has chosen you out of this world (John 15:19), Therefore no system of government can work to your disadvantage if you function with this revelation. The moment you are able to take a hold of God’s Word, you’ll begin to exercise dominion over the economic system of this world. See yourself as a beneficiary of any policy the government might come up with. It’s all up to you. The Lord says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). In other words, there’s also evil in the land but if you hearken to the Lord’s instructions you’ll only see the good in the land.
Don’t complain about the terrible state of the economy because you’ll not be able to exercise dominion over it that way and you’ll remain a victim as long as you complain. It makes no difference how many times your country’s currency is devalued; recognise that it’s for your good. You are a different breed. There can be no disadvantage to the new creation. Can God be disadvantaged? No way! So, why should you? If God can command light to come out of darkness (2 Cor. 4:6), He can make your prosperity come out of obscurity. The system may not be a good system; nonetheless, it will work for your good. Declare today that all things are working out for your good and you will rise above every disadvantage in the system. Enjoy your life of dominion. Praise God!
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All things are functioning together for your good; the trees, air, electricity and everything in this earth. This simple yet powerful thought will change your life if you can only believe it. There is no man, system or government with a good enough idea to stop your prosperity, victory and dominion. It’s impossible for you to be disadvantaged. This is because your prosperity is not dependent on government policies but on God’s Word that is greater and more powerful than any government.
You are not of this world; he has chosen you out of this world (John 15:19), Therefore no system of government can work to your disadvantage if you function with this revelation. The moment you are able to take a hold of God’s Word, you’ll begin to exercise dominion over the economic system of this world. See yourself as a beneficiary of any policy the government might come up with. It’s all up to you. The Lord says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). In other words, there’s also evil in the land but if you hearken to the Lord’s instructions you’ll only see the good in the land.
Don’t complain about the terrible state of the economy because you’ll not be able to exercise dominion over it that way and you’ll remain a victim as long as you complain. It makes no difference how many times your country’s currency is devalued; recognise that it’s for your good. You are a different breed. There can be no disadvantage to the new creation. Can God be disadvantaged? No way! So, why should you? If God can command light to come out of darkness (2 Cor. 4:6), He can make your prosperity come out of obscurity. The system may not be a good system; nonetheless, it will work for your good. Declare today that all things are working out for your good and you will rise above every disadvantage in the system. Enjoy your life of dominion. Praise God!
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