Money Seeds

To function in financial prosperity therefore, you must learn to put your faith to work by acting on the Word. For instance, the Bible says as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease(Genesis 8:22).

Seedtime is a time  of action, a time for sowing seed. When you sow your seed, you're guaranteed a harvest; and the best part of it is that you harvest can be anytime; you can call if forth whenever you want! But if you don't sow your seed when you're supposed to, there'll be nothing to harvest, notwithstanding that you have faith.

So what you sow is what you reap. If you only sow seeds of good works, you'll reap a harvest of good; people will do good things for you and help you. Likewise if you're going to reap a financial harvest, you must sow money seed. Jesus said in Luke 21:3 that the widow who gave 2 mites gave more than all the others who also gave; not because she gave all she had, but because those 2 mites meant all to her. So in sowing financial seeds, you give to God that which has value to you from your heart; even if it is your last or all that you have.

Let it be a seed that your heart connects with; that's what gets a response.
Pastor Chris


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