Our Chidren are Our Gift to the World

Our children are our gift to the world. They are our future,and must be protected and nurtured at all cost. Children are the most vulnerable members of society.

Jesus appeared to have had a special regard for children. He was aware that in his day children were made to work from an early age and were generally poorly treated. A view still persists,in some circles,that children are inferior to grownups and are incomplete until they reach adulthood.
They must be treated in an age-appropriate manner. Meaning,amongs other things,that they must be respected and valued for who they are.

The apostle Paul told children to obey their parents,and parents to stop provoking their children. To put it another way,children have obligations and parents have responsibilities.The relationship between children and parents must be based on mutual respect. Families that are ruled by spoiled children and families that are terrorised by belligerent parents are dysfunctional.

Let us make a special effort to listen to our children this week.They have so much wisdom!!    
Rudward Harrison


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