
Showing posts from August, 2020


 RHAPSODY OF REALITIES  Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect (Romans 12:2 GNB). As a Christian, every person who comes into your world has a role to play, whether good or bad. You’ll surely come across different kinds of people in your journey of life. No matter how they relate with you, recognise that God has placed them along your path for your benefit. It doesn’t make any difference whether they’re helpful or hostile; their relationship with you is part of God’s plan to promote you. Once you understand this, you’ll be happy and grateful to God for anyone who comes into your world. A playwright once said, “All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits, and one man in his time plays many parts.” Your only concern should be to pl...

Super Affiliate System

Super Affiliate System BIG MONEY Opportunity.  We have students who have gone on to make MILLIONS, even a million+ per month applying the more advanced media buying training in the course.

Dealing With the Weight of the World

  How to lay your burdens down at the foot of the cross. Written by  GodLife  on 18/08/2020 Series:  Weekly Devotional Tags:  Anxiety ,  Depression ,  Suffering ,  Trust ,  God Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 By Samantha Seal Hello! We haven’t met yet, but I think we have something in common. You and I both have the tendency to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. But here’s a secret: we don’t have to! God has already overcome the world and all its heavy chains. ( John 16:33 ) I bet we have another thing in common — we both have a hard time laying down our burdens. About three years ago, I was determined to carry my burdens — medical issues, problems with friends, struggles in school — on my own, and that sent me do...

The Seven Warning Signs of Cancer

 T he seven common warning signs of   cancer   include: Sudden  weight loss  in a short time. Change in bowel or bladder habits:  Sudden onset of loose motions or  constipation . Stomach, pancreatic, colon and ovarian  cancers  may change the bowel and bladder habits in an individual.  A sore that does not heal:  A sore/ wound  that does not heal is a warning sign of  cancer . The sore may get bigger, have unusually shaped border and crusts or have scabs over the sore with a foul-smelling discharge. Unusual bleeding:  Blood when passing urine or stools may be a warning sign of kidney, bladder and intestine cancers.  Breast lump  or thickening:  Any mass or growth in the breasts or elsewhere should be investigated. Sometimes, the lump may be painful and contain blood or fluid. Indigestion  or difficulty in swallowing:  A constant feeling of having a lump in the throat or difficulty in swallowin...


 Pastor Chris Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).      You can have and enjoy your best life now. You don’t have to wait for the government of your country to set things right and make society conducive before you enjoy your life. Enjoying your life is a choice you have to make for yourself, if you really want to have God’s best today and for all time.  Life is a gift, and a calling from God. Everything in life, including the world around you, was created for your benefit. All you need to enjoy life to the full is to be yourself and stay in God’s Word. Jesus said, “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” (John 10:10 AMPC). Think about that! God has richly given you all things to enjoy. 2 Peter 1:3 says, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all ...

"Is God / the Bible sexist?"

  Sexism is one gender, usually male, having dominance over the other gender, usually female. The Bible contains many references to women that, to our modern mindset, sound discriminatory towards women. But we have to remember that when the Bible describes an action, it does not necessarily mean that the Bible endorses that action. The Bible describes men treating women as little more than property, but that does not mean God approves of that action. The Bible is far more focused on reforming our souls than our societies. God knows that a changed heart will result in a changed behavior. During Old Testament times, virtually every culture in the entire world was patriarchal in structure. That status of history is very clear—not only in Scripture but also in the rules that governed most societies. By modern value systems and worldly human viewpoint, that is called “sexist.” God ordained the order in society, not man, and He is the author of the establishment principles of authority. ...

Popular Dieting Myths and Facts

  Reviewed By:  Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD Nighttime Eating Makes You Fat Put this diet myth to bed. There's no conclusive proof that late-night meals cause you to put on weight. What we do know is that too many calories cause weight gain, and many night eaters do tend to overeat and choose high-calorie foods. Still, eating right before bedtime can lead to heartburn and indigestion. So try to stick to regular -- and earlier -- mealtimes. Some Sugars Are Worse Than Others Table sugar, agave, honey, and high-fructose corn syrup contribute calories (between 48 and 64 a tablespoon). So far, research shows that our bodies absorb added sugars like high-fructose corn syrup and table sugar in a similar way. Instead of avoiding one particular kind of sugar, try to limit added sugars of any kind, like those in soda, candy, and other sweets. Coffee Isn't Good for You This is a recently debunked diet myth. Coffee, when consumed in moderation (2 to 3 cups daily), is a safe part of a heal...


  Pastor Chris  And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not (1 Kings 18:44).  Oftentimes, many are too worried and overwhelmed by their problems and the circumstances of their lives to notice the blessings of God around them. The answer or miracle they need may already be in the little signs or details around them which they’re not discerning enough to observe.  But notice something different about the Prophet Elijah in our opening verse: After three and a half years of drought, he began praying to God for the heavens to open and bring forth rain. As he prayed, he sent out his servant several times to check if the rains were coming. Each time, the young man returned with a negative report, saying, “No, master, there’s no sign of rain outside.”  At the seventh time, however, he ca...


  Saturday, August 22nd .  Pastor Chris  Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before (Philippians 3:13).  Many people think of progress or success as having an increase in income, getting a promotion at work, buying a new house, etc. But true progress is more than these; it’s the development of your spirit through the Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It’s that excellence which is obvious, first in your inner-man, and which inevitably radiates outwardly. It comes forth from the “you” in you.  When you have this awareness, you won’t be intimidated by the crises or challenges of life. That others are making progress doesn’t mean you’re failing. So, don’t measure your progress or lack of it by the success of others.  True success means living the victorious life through God’s Word, and achieving His desired goals for your life....

What Is WE Share Abundance? And Why All Members Make Money!

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Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

  Why does God put His children through such terrible situations? Is there a purpose for our trials? Written by Joy on 06/04/2014 Series: Weekly Devotional Tags: Family, Friends, Relationships, Trials “God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 “Your baby has a hole in his diaphragm and no lungs, so he cannot breathe on his own without machines. Even with advanced medical treatment, he has only a 5% chance of survival.” Those were the devastating words we heard when our son David was born. Why does God put His children through such terrible situations? Is there a purpose for our trials? Life is Not Always Happy Life does not always turn out the way you expect. After 8 months in the hospital and many surgeries, we approached David’s first Christmas with very little joy or hope. I watched David struggle to breathe, realizing how easy breathing was for me, and how I took it for granted....


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  RHAPSODY OF REALITIES MONDAY 17TH AUGUST For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned (Matthew 12:37). What kind of words come out of you and where do you get them from? Why do you say the things you say? These are critical questions for your heart. As a Christian, you ought to always examine your life, especially with respect to your words, because your words locate you; they reveal your character. If a man’s words are hurtful and biting, then that’s who he is inside. But if your words are gracious, kind, uplifting and heart-lifting, that’s the character of your personality. You’re the character of your words. Jesus said in Matthew 12:35, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” As a Christian, you’ve got good treasures within you by reason of your divine nature in Christ. There’s excellence in your spirit. So when you speak, it should ...

A New Life in Jesus

  A story of God’s healing and purpose Written by GodLife on 28/11/2017 Series: Weekly Devotional Tags: Testimony, God, Healing But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. Exodus 9:16 Every day people from all over the world connect with us at GodLife. They are dealing with sickness, unemployment and heartbreak, among other things. The one thing they all have in common? They are all searching for God’s purpose in their life, just like you. Today we want to share Joe’s story -- a story of God’s mighty power in the midst of sickness. Living through fear The words were barely out of the doctor’s mouth before Joe had a flood of dread fall over him. “Cystic fibrosis.” The thoughts raced through his head. “I’m not going to live a full life. How can I live a normal life? What does this all mean?” Most people diagnosed with this disease, including Joe’s mother, die before they reach the 50 years old. Since his diagnos...

"How should a Christian deal with feelings of guilt regarding past sins, whether pre- or post-salvation?"

 Answer: Everyone has sinned, and one of the results of sin is guilt. We can be thankful for guilty feelings because they drive us to seek forgiveness. The moment a person turns from sin to Jesus Christ in faith, his sin is forgiven. Repentance is part of the faith that leads to salvation (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; Acts 3:19). In Christ, even the most heinous sins are blotted out (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 for a list of some unrighteous acts that can be forgiven). Salvation is by grace, and grace forgives. After a person is saved, he will still sin, and when he does, God still promises forgiveness. “But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One” (1 John 2:1). Freedom from sin, however, does not always mean freedom from guilty feelings. Even when our sins are forgiven, we still remember them. Also, we have a spiritual enemy, called “the accuser of our brothers” (Revelation 12:10) who relentlessly reminds us of our failures, faul...

The Power of a Testimony

  One of Jesus' most famous cross-cultural encounters involved a woman in Samaria. Written by Hope on 06/10/2013 Series: Weekly Devotional Tags: Evangelism, Faith, Jesus, Testimony “So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you. In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. As a result, you have become an example to all the believers in Greece — throughout both Macedonia and Achaia.” (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7). One Person's Story One of Jesus' most famous cross-cultural encounters involved a woman in Samaria. We are not told her name, and so she is known simply as "The Samaritan Woman" or "The Woman at the Well." When Jesus asked her for a drink, she must have been shocked. It was highly improper for men and women to converse in public. Not only that, but all Samaritans were despised by the Jews for their idol-worshiping and mixed blood. Jesus reached across both those divides with His love. Desp...

Super Affiliate System

Super Affiliate System Do you want to earn a six-figure salary online? If yes, then today you have landed in the right place. Affiliate marketing is a multi-billion industry. Many people who have ventured into this niche are earning good money. It is one of the best online marketing niches to venture into if you want to earn money online. However, in order to become a successful affiliate marketer, you need to have the right skill that only a few people have and that is exactly what Super Affiliate System is all about. So what exactly is this program all about and will it really help you make money online? In this article, we are going to review this training program to help you know if it is worth investing in.

Nothing is Unforgivable

‘Your testimony may have saved a life,’ wrote Anthony, the man who murdered my dad. Written by Laurie Coombs on 05/11/2019 Series: Weekly Devotional Tags: Forgive, Testimony, Prison, Murder, Bitterness But I say to you who hear, ‘Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.’ Luke 6:27 “Your testimony may have saved a life!” wrote Anthony — the man who murdered my dad — from his prison cell. Holding the letter, I stood in stunned silence, tears rolling down my face. “Oh Lord,” I thought, as I closed my eyes and dropped my head back, in awe. There were no words. “Thank you, Lord, thank you,” was all that I could say in worship to our mighty God. I was called to forgive. To love my enemy. To allow Jesus unhindered access to the pain, bitterness, and wounds of my past, which took residence in the deepest recesses of my soul. I knew that He wanted to take me to a new, better place — a place of healing, peace, and forgiveness. So, I followed. By the grace of God alone, I followed Jesus ...


  Thursday, August 13th .  Pastor Chris  All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD WILL I destroy them (Psalm 118:10).  The underlined word “will” in the verse above doesn’t exist in the original Hebrew text; rather, it’s in the affirmative. The NIV, like several other translations, puts it correctly; it says, “All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off.” He didn’t say, “…I will cut them off.”  David was making a proclamation in the Spirit ever before he would destroy his enemies with the sword. He had to first destroy them with words. This is so important because it shows us how we should deal with the adversary. You’re to cut off the influence of Satan over the nations, leaders, and governments of the world. That’s what you do in praying for nations and leaders.  David was emphatic with the phrase, “cut off” because sometimes, you’ve got to say it several times. When we hear of wars, pandemics, insecurity, ...

Simple WiFi Profits/Turn Spare Time Into Income Time

Simple WiFi Profits/Turn Spare Time Into Income Time "Discover How To Turn Your Spare Time Into a Side-Income Online Business..." ... With This Simple 4-Step System That Doesn't Require Any Experience! FREEEEE