How To Avoid Sexual Temptation
Guard Yourself Written by Dan Lee on 11/07/2015 Series: Weekly Devotional Tags: Lust, Pornography, Sex, Temptation “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light.” Matthew 6:22 These words of Jesus tell us how important our eyes are, and how diligent we must be to watch what goes into our mind through our eyes. God’s word shows us several ways to do this: 1. Be Careful What You Look At Jesus said, “anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). The first step to sexual temptation (and sometimes the sin itself) is looking. Today’s world can be full of temptations for the eyes. Advertisements, movies and television, and things on the Internet can all lead us to sin. You must carefully choose what you watch and where you go. If seeing women in bathing suits makes you think lustful thoughts, then you need to stay away from the beach. If Intern...